Project 5 from Worntorn -4 stalls , tack up aisle + Hay loft Barn Addition
After renovating the old Barn we decided to add on to one end in order to create some horse stalls. We've been using 2 stalls for our own horses and 2 stalls for Boarding horses in order to generate some income to cover all of the horse related costs.
I decided to pour a full foundation rather than do Pole construction because the old barn is on a foundation, which is why it is still good after 100 years. I like the ease of Pole barn construction, but the longevity isn't there. Once the treated poles rot out after 15 - 25 years, you have a serious problem. It really doesn't take all that long or cost all that much to build a proper concrete foundation. For this one I trenched out with the cleanout bucket on the backhoe down to hard undisturbed non organic material, which turned out to be about 2' down. Minmum concrete depth for frost protection in our area is 18", so that worked out well.
It was a bit of a chore working down in the trench setting forms vs working on a full excavation, but this way there was not much material disturbed and way less to find a temporary storage place for.
Last edited by worntorn; 06-12-2011 at 07:25 PM.
Everlast PP256
Everlast Imig 200
Everlast Power Ultra 205
P&H 400 amp A.C.
Miller 230 amp with Onan power