Project #6 from Worntorn- Aluminum Fingertable for Dodd's autoDovetailer
I bought this Dodds AutoDovetailer machine a little while ago for making Dovetail drawer joints for kitchen cabinet drawers. For years I have done them with a router jig. This can take about two days of steady routering in order to do a big set of cabinets, maybe 25 drawers. This machine will do 25 drawers in less than 10 minutes!
It's relatively new and in nice condition but was missing some of the fixtures. Dodd's has the fixtures in stock but they are a little pricey. For this aluminum Fingertable and the riser blocks that attach to it the cost is a little over $1300 at Dodds!
This was an excellent project for the Milling machine.
Check out the lubrication system, very complicated, a real plumbers nightmare! Lots of electrical to contend with as well. Fortunately everthing seems to work OK.
Last edited by worntorn; 06-14-2011 at 03:46 PM.
Everlast PP256
Everlast Imig 200
Everlast Power Ultra 205
P&H 400 amp A.C.
Miller 230 amp with Onan power