When I got my Trojan international 10 meter express it had a canvas top that needed a lot of help. I found a show out in Jersey Atlantic Tower that had made to hard tops for Trojan. The size really didn't sink in until the lowboy dropped them off. Another Captain and I both have 10 meters and ordered then together to get a break of shipping. He had a car trailer to move his, I had my pick up...this thing is 13'x 10' and crated it seems twice the size. So we put in the back of the pickup and used ever tie down I had and said on the back road to get it up to the marina. While mounting it was not too bad, 6 deck plates and a few knuckle type joints. The trick was working on a boat that is floating in the water so it's never really still, you are always moving, we managed to only drop 2 or 3 wrenches over. The last challenge was positioning it on the mounts, while its just 6061 tube and a fiberglass skin it's so big its hard to move. Once we got it on it really dialed the boat up into a fishing machine. From start to finish it only took us 5 hours to move it up to the marina and get it installed on the boat.
before with the canvas top
now the fishing machinne
Now in this pick you can see the stainless tube with the rod holders mounted to it - that is the next project to rework that in aluminum and weld on the rod holders