I bought the Power Plasma 60A unit a month ago and after dealing with a SNAFU with UPS losing the first Unit, received the green monster. This is a great unit and a huge upgrade from my old 1 gen 20 amp plasma. Everything was packed well and the only thing not included was the plug for the power cord. A trip to Northern Tool and $20 later and everything was ready to burn.
Here are some pics of me setting up the unit to try it out. Just scraps to get the hang of this new machine and to play with the settings:
First is a piece of clean 3/16 in steel. I fired up the system and left the setting where they were from the factory testing ( 38 amp @ 35 psi ). This is the first unit I have used with the pilot arc and it is nice. Free hand playing with the cut speed. Clean cut with a bit of slag due to user method.
Next was a crusty piece of 1/4 in steel out of my scrap pile behind the garage. I did not even brush off the rust. I left the settings at 38 amp and 35 psi for this one also since it did such a good job before. I was not disappointed as the torch sliced through the steel like it was not even there.
Felling pretty ambitious, I pulled out a 1.25 inch thick steel shackle mount I had made but not used. I originally cut these out on a Buddy's industrial CNC plasma table. Talk about an easy way to build parts :grinpimp: . Anyhow, I cranked up the Plasma to 60 amp and the air to 48 psi. Hit the switch and gave it a try. The torch blew through the first 1 inch like it was not there. I tilted the torch a bit to clear the cut and took it slow. My freehand method leaves a bit to be desired but the sever cut was good. This is material that I will not be working with in my garage, I just wanted to try it out and was pleasantly surprised.
Next, I pulled out an old heavy bumper that needed to have the ends cut off of the pipe. It cut the 1/4 in thick pipe like butter. This was a crusty old work truck unit that had been laying behind my garage for a couple of years. No clean up at all, just burned it apart.
Then I pulled out a 14B axle that I was prepping for installation in my jeep and made short work out of trimming off the stock brackets. Nice and clean leaving minimal grinding for final finishing. This was so much easier than my old method of cutting disks in the angle grinder.
I am going to build a mount for this torch to run on my Koike IK600 CNC cutting table that is currently running a torch. It should work great on the 3/8 in plate I run through it currently.
BTW, Alex was great to deal with through the UPS foul up and got me a replacement machine sent out ASAP.