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Thread: Stainless exhaust b-pipe

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  1. #1

    Default Stainless exhaust b-pipe

    Hey all, here are a few pics of an exhaust I'm working on for a friend of mine.
    3" 304 (.055 wall) stainless mandrel bends that he got from
    3/8" stainless flanges
    6" stainless flexpipe
    Used mild steel exhaust cutout
    Welding it up with my powerpro 205
    2% thoriated 3/32 tungsten ground to a point
    ~65 amps to weld the pipe to the flange, and flex pipe, ~ 40-42 amps for butt welding the pipes
    308l 1/16" filler for everything except the cutout for which I'll use 309l.
    On to the pics!!!

    The flange welded up

    This is about 3/4 of it, ran out of argon, so I'll get a refill tomorrow, and weld on the cutout and another flange to finish it up.
    I'll post more pics when I finish it!

    Got a little crazy on the still, not increibly bad for t total noob, it's my first real project

    300whp FWD 94 Celica
    PowerPro 205 with a hack behind the mask!

  2. #2


    For a first project , Looks really good, I think you are better than you make out to be.

  3. #3


    Lol, thanks man.
    Ive gone thru 4 60 cu. Ft. Bottles of argon worth of practice under my belt so far, this is the first thing that I've welded that will actually be used for something. lol
    Only got ~1hr out there tonight, but got what I consider to be a few nice beads on a flange, I'll post a pic tommorow, need to upload it out of my camara.
    300whp FWD 94 Celica
    PowerPro 205 with a hack behind the mask!

  4. #4


    There is more to the project than a couple of pretty beads, there is the fit up, making sure the bolt holes line up and the bends go the right direction, at least that's what I see in your first project, more than just welding. looks good.

  5. #5


    thanks again, geezer...its not my first exhaust build, i've done a few of these b-pipes before, but its my first that is tig welded. fit up is definetly alot more important with the tig i've noticed, its not as easy to fill the little gaps with weld like i used to do with the
    anyway, like i posted last night, i welded a section of 2.5" 304 stainless pipe (.065 wall) to a 2.5" flange, to mate to the rear section of exhaust, and definetly noticed a big diffrence between that and the thinner .055 wall stuff that my buddy bought to build the b-pipe with.

    welded this part up with ~ 70-77 max amps, with the footpedal controlling the heat input, i was having a bit of a struggle getting it to melt into the flange with less amps.
    ill take some more pics tonight, should be able to finish the b-pipe up, then i will start working on some intercooler tubes for him!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    300whp FWD 94 Celica
    PowerPro 205 with a hack behind the mask!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Greater Seattle, WA


    Nice work! Close ups of your lap and fillet welds show yoy are getting some really good fusion there, and not a whole lot of oxidation either (something many strive for, whether actually necessary or not.) That exhaust system is going to last the lifetime of the vehicle.

    What is your inert shielding setup? (cup size, gas lens or standard collet body, flow rate?) Any solar fluxing on the butt welds?
    '13 Everlast 255EXT
    '07 Everlast Super200P

  7. #7


    Welding in a circle can be a PITA, next time try using lazy susan bearings (big ones) from Home depot (9 or 10 bucks) with a scrap plate laid on them, clamp your piece in a vise, lay that on the plate and then you can nudge the whole thing around with your elbow while maintaining position. Cheap rotary table.

  8. #8


    I know exactly what you mean. Until this header fiasco I was mostly doing the wiring and electrical for this car we are building right now, and almost every day I will come in early to get in some welding time to clear my head and get me focused. But I have to admit welding all day every day for the past week has definitely had a psychological effect. Like on the drive home I notice what a poor fitup the joint between the sidewalk and the street have. I think it's got a lot to do with using the cheater lens. I'll see something like that and the first thing I will see in my mind's eye is a huge tig torch running a little heat over the sidewalk to smooth out the joint. Maybe this is what guys experience that do it all day every day. Or maybe I'm just a nutball.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 205
    HF 90 am inverter tig
    Scopes, Scanners, Meters

  9. #9


    hahah i know exactly what you mean, man.
    i do the same thing with cars, (im a painter) notice the bad prep and bad blends and what not just driving down the road...ill look over, see a silver car or truck or whatever with a bad blend, or whatever the case may be, and say to myself "if i had done that, i would have done XYZ and made it look better, blah
    definetly becoming more aware of the welding in everyday things, a buddy of mine stopped by the house last night, he is a district manager of a KFC/taco bell chain, and came in with a supersized stainless steel caulk gun, that they use in tacobell for sour cream,... the front plate had a few tacks that had broken loose, so i retacked it back together for him with a little 308 filler, and sent him on his way! too funny.
    300whp FWD 94 Celica
    PowerPro 205 with a hack behind the mask!

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