I did a quick job today repairing a cracked hand crank handle for a boat trailer.
Attachment 2467
It looked like it was a weak weld (poor penetration) from original manufacturer. It cracked right through the original weld.
Attachment 2466
I scarfed out the discontinuities and nasty corroded pockets underneath the surface with an angle grinder, and deposited fresh ER70S6 in its place.
Attachment 2465
Nothing too fancy. Repair proceeded pretty much as you would expect. Wish I got an "after" picture of a weld bead. You can see in the pic above, I had just started applying a bead before the picture.
I considered using 309L filler rod instead of mild steel. Both would be strong. Customer said he used the boat (power boat) only in fresh water, not in salt water. And was going to paint afterward. So I went with 70S6.
Including prep time and welding, I'm going to say I turned this around in about 25-30 minutes. The customer was out in his car by the time I remember to take an "after" pic. But you might imagine, I basically filled in a "cone shaped" area of weld deposit. Massively stronger than it was before. I put some effort into ensuring no undercutting especially right as the weld transitioned to the small diameter portion of the shaft.
I discovered it was convenient to have the crank handle mechanism available to rotate the weld as I progressed the bead. ( Kind of like having a built-in, hand operated rotational welding positioner.)
Since the customer said he basically cranked on it until it started bending (and then bent it back before bringing it in to me), I advised the customer to apply some grease/lube on it as well; it was seeming kind of dry.
Oh yeah, I did take a couple breaks mid way through the weld deposition, as the nearby paint got "smoking hot", and gave some gentle compressed air to allow the work to cool down somewhat. I did this to minimize the amount of heat related collateral damage. I managed to only damage a little paint on the shaft on either side of the weld area.
I did use pulsing, as I am kind of in the habit of using it whenever performing low-medium amp DC welds, to help my auto darkening helmet trigger more reliably. It has the side benefit of allowing reduced heat input as well.