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Thread: PP 60 and 4T Operation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sherwood Park, Alberta

    Default PP 60 and 4T Operation

    I just purchased a Power Plasma 60 and I must say I'm very impressed so far. It seems to be pretty well built and it cuts like a hot knife through butter.

    I have the same issue as others with the constant flow switch but that's not a major problem. I was giving it a workout over the weekend and decided to try the 4T operation. When I first tried the torch would light up right away but as soon as I moved the torch to the edge of the piece to be cut the arc would be snuffed. If I quickly moved the arc onto the piece or if I bring the torch down in the middle of the plate the arc stays lit until I reached the end of the cut and again the arc goes out. Is what I'm experiencing normal? Can someone explain why the arc is lost when I get close to the edge when I'm moving the torch sup to the plate to start the cut? Thanks.


  2. #2


    When you say 4T operation, is this in the track torch position? Are you pressing the torch trigger to get the arc started and releasing? Which torch do you have?

    But what you are doing is not correct torch operation. You should start the arc on the metal, near the edge (if it is that type cut) or pierce it by starting the torch at an angle. You should never "start" the arc and then bring the torch close as it wastes consumables.

    What is your air pressure?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sherwood Park, Alberta


    Thanks for the quick response Mark. The switch is in the track torch position and I am pressing the torch trigger and releasing it. When I was first trying the unit I was lighting the torch away from the work piece and then moving up to the piece to start the cut. I didn't realize that this will burn up consumables. It I light the torch on the work piece everything is fine. I guess it's just operator error on my part. Since I just got it I was trying to put everything through it's paces. I don't know if I'll ever really need the track torch option but I was giving it a try to see what it did.

    I have the Trafimet A81 torch. I set the air using the flow meter that came with the kit. The pressure is right around 60 psi and it is cutting very well.

    I'm really happy with the machine. It is well built and cuts really nice. Now I just need more practice to get those nice smooth cuts. I was in Canadian Tire on the weekend and they had a 20 amp Lincoln on sale for just under $1000. It looked like a toy that kids would play with compared to the PP60 and I paid $100 less for the PP60. If the long term reliability is there then the Everlast units are a great product for a great price.

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