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Thread: PowerArc 140ST as a TIG WELDER ???

  1. Default PowerArc 140ST as a TIG WELDER ???

    I know this is a brand new machine. and I know that the MANUALS nor the Videos are not out yet.... BUT I still would like to ask a few questions.

    1...How is this machine setup to do tig welding?
    2...Other than the Argon tank and Argon regulator ( which are not included with the package for $229,.99......) Is there anything else needed to tig?
    3...Can a pedal be addapted for use with this machine?
    4...Does anyone have a PICTURE or diagram of this machine setup for TIG welding?


  2. #2


    I responded over on WW. First can you tell me if you know how to tig weld?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalikov View Post
    I know this is a brand new machine. and I know that the MANUALS nor the Videos are not out yet.... BUT I still would like to ask a few questions.

    1...How is this machine setup to do tig welding?
    2...Other than the Argon tank and Argon regulator ( which are not included with the package for $229,.99......) Is there anything else needed to tig?
    3...Can a pedal be addapted for use with this machine?
    4...Does anyone have a PICTURE or diagram of this machine setup for TIG welding?


    Mark is more up to date of the new 140ST, but I can share what I know.

    It is setup for MMA and TIG. The TIG torch has the gas flow knob on the handle. Only thing you will need is a power plug for the wall outlet, tank of Argon, electrode and a regulator (plus glove, jacket, helmet, etc.).

    We do not have a pedal and it is not really design for it, however creative people can wire into the pot inside, but that will void the warranty.

    I will see if Mark can get a picture up. I know they are busy working on the manual right now, but I will see what I can do.

    I will probably pick one of these up personally for myself. But I am not a big foot pedal/pulse guy, and it would be more for the 110volt stick side or TIG on thin sheet metal. That or a PowerARC since I have a 250EX.

    What type metal and projects are you doing or planning?
    Last edited by everlastsupport; 06-23-2011 at 10:16 PM. Reason: Left out electrode and removed Al
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. Default

    Well... first OFF.... I am a newb when it comes to tig welding. and I have had a HF mig for a long while and have built some trailers with it.
    But I want a tig machine...... But low funds do not allow me to get what i really want.... so I figure the best way to get into something is to
    get what I can and work with it the best way I can.
    The tig will be for things that will be less than a 1/4 inch thick, but I want to be able to get the needed TIG type welds that my lil mig will not do.
    I had asked for a picture so I could see the setup that would be needed for this lil machine. and for the price... and warranty and if it will TIG..... then it is what I am after..... I have found other machines out of china that are a lil more and more features... but the warranty is not there and have to send it back to china.... and what not.
    I just want a simple cheap tig machine..... What scares me the most about this machine.... is the TWO CONNECTORS..... all the other tig machines I have seen.... they have 4 or more.... and thats why I have been asking and wondering just how this thing sets up.
    hope I have not bothered anyone to much with all my questions.... but couple hundred bucks... is still a couple hundred BUCKS.


  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post

    Mark is more up to date of the new 140ST, but I can share what I know.

    It is setup for MMA and TIG. The TIG torch has the gas flow knob on the handle. Only thing you will need is a power plug for the wall outlet, tank of Argon and a regulator (plus glove, jacket, helmet, etc.).

    We do not have a pedal and it is not really design for it, however creative people can wire into the pot inside, but that will void the warranty.

    I will see if Mark can get a picture up. I know they are busy working on the manual right now, but I will see what I can do.

    I will probably pick one of these up personally for myself. But I am not a big foot pedal/pulse guy, and it would be more for the 110volt stick side or TIG on thin sheet metal/aluminum. That or a PowerARC since I have a 250EX.

    What type metal and projects are you doing or planning?
    SO.... the Argon tank itself will be hooked to the torch cable itself through the regulator and will not be run through the machine itself?..... Correct?
    that would explain not having a connector on the machine for the gas.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalikov View Post
    I am a newb when it comes to tig welding....hope I have not bothered anyone to much with all my questions.... but couple hundred bucks... is still a couple hundred BUCKS.
    Questions are why the forums are here, so you haven't bothered anyone. The moderators are probing to find out what level of detail to answer your questions at, so they want to know where you want to go with this TIG machine. And you've answered their questions, I think, by talking about being a TIG newbie, which is a good thing to know.

    The only reason I wanted to chime in here is because Mike R may have mispoken here:
    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    I will probably pick one of these up personally for myself. But I am not a big foot pedal/pulse guy, and it would be more for the 110volt stick side or TIG on thin sheet metal/aluminum....
    I can't even claim to be a TIG newbie yet, so please correct me if I'm wrong: the specs given on welding web dot com say this is a lift start DC TIG machine. That makes it capable on steel and some non-ferrous metals but NOT on aluminum, as far as I know from reading up. Just didn't want to get you thinking in the wrong direction- AC TIG machines (capable of aluminum) are typically much more expensive than this.

    Knowledgable people, please confirm!
    Last edited by DaveO; 06-23-2011 at 05:59 PM. Reason: clarity
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  7. #7


    Thanks for two reasons. Yes. 1)Mike was commenting generally, but tied it into the capability of the machine. It is DC only. No AC or aluminum capabilities. 2) To make sure we are on the same communication level we do have to ascertain what basic understanding is. Its not a put down. If we were to ask personally over the phone it would come off different, not as an insult but as a desire to help us know what "language" to use.

    Well, Kalikov, you have made some waves with all your questioning, unitentionally, I am sure. No problem though. I hope this will finally and once and for all answer your questions. However, I'd suggest you look up some information available through many web based resources on basic tig welding and connections for thorough understanding.

    1) You will still HAVE to have a regulator. You will have to purchase it. A regulator from a lws will have a 5/8" CGA fitting. One from us will have a hose with no fitting at the end (or just the regulator). Either way, with both regulators you will have to make a connection to the hose. You cannot hook the tank at 2000 psi directly to the hose. It must have a regulator.

    2) The unit is a lift start tig, and in this configuration, it has a live tungsten at all times so when it is touched to the metal it will arc. Look up "lift start" tig on the internet. It will tell you the technique. Too much to go through here. Its a simple thing, but there are plenty of graphics out there illustrating this.

    3) You are going to need Argon, Tungsten, a regulator, and a couple of couplings/fittings to hook the regulator hose to the end of the tig torch and possibly a hose clamp or two.

    4) The torch controls the gas on / off manually through twisting the gas valve. There are NO solenoids on this unit to control the gas. YOU control the gas with your fingers by twisting the valve to turn on or shut off the gas. It has NOTHING to do with needing a regulator. Its a common setup. Trust me.

    I am going to post the end of the torch so you can see the fittings yourself. One is power, the other is the gas line. The power has a solid brass connector that hooks to the machine. The other end is a open ended, fitting-less hose. Its about 3/16 of an inch.

    No, it is not designed and cannot operate with a foot pedal. You set and control the amperage on the panel.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	tig torch 140 st.jpg 
Views:	500 
Size:	143.2 KB 
ID:	2538  
    Last edited by performance; 06-23-2011 at 06:35 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalikov View Post
    SO.... the Argon tank itself will be hooked to the torch cable itself through the regulator and will not be run through the machine itself?..... Correct?
    that would explain not having a connector on the machine for the gas.

    Just read your last post and was about to respond, then I saw you see why two connectors. No reason to run the gas through the unit and run the cost up and add connectors. And lift start, no switch connector on it either.

    It sounds like what you expressed you're after. Also, might want to look at the TIG-185 as well. Not sure on the budget part, but dead simple and you get AC.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  9. Default Thanks to all.....

    I want to THANK everyone for their HELP.
    I am also sorry for any confusion on my part or upsetting anyone.
    $244.99 shipped for the basic package..... Is a GREAT price. + the 5 year warranty....
    I already have a LARGE argon tank.
    The consumables and the regulator are all that will be left.
    Just to clarify though the hook of regulator......
    Do I have this setup right?
    ALSO,.,.,., one other question..... Any idea on WHEN the manual for the 140ST will be finished?


    PS.... I plan to do some internet searching on LIFT START TIG WELDING.
    And I will also investigate the tig 185 as well.

  10. #10



    You got it.

    No one was upset, we just needed more information to answer you. And you asked on other forums as well, making it redundant. So I basically shot-gunned your questions with all the answers I could think of, then Mark did the same.

    The unit sounds like what you are looking for from your messages, I threw in the TIG185 as the next jump up, but the price jumps too. The 185 is a compact unit as well.

    I will probably add the 140ST to my collection. Portable stick would be nice.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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