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Thread: PowerTig250EX Torch Control

  1. #1

    Default PowerTig250EX Torch Control

    I have a Torch mounted hand controls I sometimes use with my current TIG torch.
    It's a "CK Worlwide" Amptrak torch control: it's a contact switch and a 1000 ohms control slider with a 14 pin connector for TIG torch hand control' {it's for old Thermal Arc TIG welders}.
    I am fairly handy, so I can make up adapter cables to go from the 14 pin connectors to a 7 pin connector, if I can get the 7 pin connectors.

    I have a few PowerTig 250EX questions.
    What ohms are the remote amperage controller?

    What is the availability of extra 7 Pin connectors for the Torch Control hook-up on the front panel?

    Is there any availability of strap on TIG torch contact switches?

    Thanks in Advance,
    Last edited by JJW; 08-05-2009 at 12:19 AM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by JJW View Post
    I have a Torch mounted hand controls I sometimes use with my current TIG torch.
    It's a "CK Worlwide" Amptrak torch control: it's a contact switch and a 1000 ohms control slider with a 14 pin connector for TIG torch hand control' {it's for old Thermal Arc TIG welders}.
    I am fairly handy, so I can make up adapter cables to go from the 14 pin connectors to a 7 pin connector, if I can get the 7 pin connectors.

    I have a few PowerTig 250EX questions.
    What ohms are the remote amperage controller?
    It is 47K. So a 1K pot will not work.

    What is the availability of extra 7 Pin connectors for the Torch Control hook-up on the front panel?
    You would need to call the sales office, I would imagine we can get you one. Tell them you need a remote 7 pin din connector for the PowerTIG250EX. Or buy another torch or foot pedal and remove it and keep the rest for a spare. But call the sales office and see what we have in stock.

    Is there any availability of strap on TIG torch contact switches?
    About any contact switch can be used as it just shorts pin 1 and 2. Make sure you short out pins 6 and 7 so the unit knows it is plugged in and using the remote. Mind you, you might break the machine if you wire something wrong.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. #3


    Thanks Mike, That gives me stuff to ponder.

  4. #4



    The 2T/4T function, though not technically a torch control really works well. When in the 4T setting, a lower amperage value may be preset and a higher amperage value may be preset through the use of start current, welding current, and crater current settings. You may toggle between these amperages back and forth as needed to control heat by tapping the torch switch.

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