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Thread: I-Mig 200 not sparking

  1. Default I-Mig 200 not sparking

    Hi. This is my 2nd unit. 1st unit after I had time from work to buy my bottle (had to wait on the flow regulator which took another week from everlast) I finally tested it out. I called everlast and had the unit exchanged for another. After a week of waiting for the new unit to arrive today I hooked it up to make sure it was working before I went to sleep since the unit arrive at about 7pm. Still no spark. I don't know if it's me since this is my first time welding with mig or the unit. It seems pretty straight forward. It's was too late to call everlast since it was already 8pm central time. I'm starting to get frustrated because I am spending more time contacting everlast than welding.

    Here are some of the pic. Stick seems to be working fine with both unit.

    Stick testing 6010


    Last edited by noobie; 06-30-2011 at 03:39 AM.

  2. Default

    Been trying to ground it every where I could but I don't think it's ground. Last time ground was suggested from everlast.
    Last edited by noobie; 06-30-2011 at 03:41 AM.

  3. #3


    And the first unit had the same problem? We don't get problems from these units, and it seems you likely you may have returned a perfectly functioning unit. I am glad you posted, as it underlines a point I made the other day about a number of units returned for repair are working and why we offer the only 30 days on the return policy.

    The problem is pretty clear, I imagine to many of our MIG guys, but here's the problem.

    You don't have your Power cable (hanging loose) plugged into the front Positive port. This is where the unit picks up its power... If you look at the very inside picture you posted of the wire feeder, you'll see the power input cable attached to the lug on the backside of the connector and it hangs out the front. There's your problem right there.
    Last edited by performance; 06-30-2011 at 03:50 AM.

  4. Default

    You mean the one that comes out under the mig gun wire? What should I do with it? I wish your manual was more useful.
    Last edited by noobie; 06-30-2011 at 03:52 AM.

  5. #5


    I gave the answer in the post.

    But I will repeat it again. Plug it in the positive port. That is the only possible thing it could be for? That is where the unit receive its power from that port, and where you reverse polarity.

  6. #6


    Is this the SAME problem as the other?

    Did you download the manual?

    Straight from the manual, page 11:
    8. MIG work cable and port. The unit is shipped with the cable tucked inside of the machine. The unit’s cover must be lifted and cable routed through the front port pictured in image 2c so that the end of the coupling is able to be connected to lug. The cable coupling must be inserted into the positive female lug (+) for MIG. The ground cable is then plugged into the nega-tive lug (-). When Stick (MMA,SMAW) is selected, the cable must be disconnected and replaced with the electrode holder(stinger) cable.
    Last edited by performance; 06-30-2011 at 04:00 AM.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    I gave the answer in the post.

    But I will repeat it again. Plug it in the positive port. That is the only possible thing it could be for? That is where the unit receive its power from that port, and where you reverse polarity.
    LOL. I get it, lol. I'll go try it.

  8. #8


    You still haven't answered my questions....Did you download the manual? And....Is this the same problem as the other one?

  9. Default

    I read the manual that came in with the welder.

    Yes it's the same problem.


  10. #10


    Here's the manual for the unit. It on the website. We tell our customers to download the manual usually when we sell a unit. Here's the link.

    Did it fix it?

    Where is the other unit now? We need to flag it ok, when it comes in or find it if its at the service center...guess we will need to mark it used too?

  11. Default

    Sorry for the dumb mistake of mine.

    I don' t recall anything about downloading the manual.

    If the manual you sent is worthless than update it. If it was that important why is it on page 11 (you made it sound like it happens here and there). It's stamped flow regulator packed but was not. If I saw packed and it's not, I would had taken this into account for a bad unit.

    I check to make sure I found my answer before I started this thread. Maybe you need a sticky.

    To answer you question about making it use, please do. I sent it to Minnesota.

    Oh and sorry for the phone call to ask for a tracking for everything since your company doesn't like updating me.
    Last edited by noobie; 06-30-2011 at 05:44 AM.

  12. #12



    As far as the importance of the issue you had? Only one other customer in my memory has called about what to do with that cable, but I have calls on many other things concerning operational details. WHERE something is located in a manual, is not always an indication of importance. The first 8 pages of the manual are safety and basic contact information for Everlast. The issue is on page 11, part 8. If you haven't yet, please download and read the manual. A person should read a manual front to back and become familiar with it. Reading the first few pages of a manual "to get the idea" isn't a very good thing to do.There is safety information in there that could keep you from getting killed, or seriously hurt welding. Its a dangerous thing. You can get burned, electrocuted, poisoned, smothered, blinded and brain damaged by welding.

    I just did a search for manuals. Many references regarding manual loading came up. Also, here is the sticky regarding manuals that has been up for a couple years:

    There is a big red manuals button at the right top of every page on our website.
    There is a logistical reason we don't put English manuals in our welders, and a practical one, as we update the product it is easier to update the manual. IF you buy a new vehicle these days, or many other consumer products, you will get a quick guide,and then be told to download the manual or be given a C/D.

    One week service sounds very good. Not bad to swap out a working welder for another.

    Please PM me your personal info so we can locate the product in MN and save some backlog. Thanks.
    Last edited by performance; 06-30-2011 at 06:07 AM.

  13. #13


    speaking of 'quick guides', have you thought of doing a nice glossy quick start card like you get with a printer? people like those. especially the cartoon pictures.
    McGuire Irvine
    Crow Motor Co.

    Lincoln powermig 225 (work)

  14. #14


    I did the same thing.... and then I plugged the chord!
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  15. Default

    The flowmeter should be mounted vertically to get accurate readings.

  16. #16
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    As a person who had to do computer support for MANY years, Sad very sad. I had a co-worker call me and say her computer would not do anything. She was correct. She had not "turned it on". I pressed the power button and walked away shaking my head and resolved to GET OUT OF TECH SUPPORT forever. id10t was the term I applied to her.

    Miller Bobcat 3 Phase,
    Miller Suitcase X-Treme 12VS wire feeder for the Bobcat with M-25 300A .045" gun / Bernard 400A 5/64" wire mig gun .
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  17. #17


    To back Mark up here, I have never had a call with someone not plugging in the MIG torch (in fact MIG calls are VERY rare). I have had few calls on which port to plug it into, but rare and it is in the manual.

    Also, you should straighten your regulator up, the tube with the ball inside should be vertical. Otherwise you are going to waste your gas.

    I was a little confused when I heard no spark, but saw welds on the steel in the pictures. Anyway. Hope you are up and running now. Mark asked you a couple times. And like Mark said, the manuals are updated/improved through-out the year and as we add/change features, so it is always recommended to download the manual.

    I just bought an O-scope, I had read the manual before I even ordered the product.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  18. #18



    When we get a cartoonist on staff, I am sure that will be one of the priorities.

    Check out some of the new manuals online the the PT185, and MTS 400. Is this similar to what you mean?

  19. #19


    Life has many chuckles in it, this is one of those cases, later on Noobie will laugh along with us on this, mounting the flow meter vertical would also be a good start and haveing the extra gas line do a nice curl around the tank would help keep it out of the way. However in Newbies defence, for a guy with not much experience he has purchased a good product and he is willing to try a new skill, that takes some doing on his part. Hang in there Noobie, you are on the right path , you just tripped over one of the many stones on that path. I could tell you of the many times I have done the same.
    Last edited by geezer; 06-30-2011 at 06:56 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Chugiak , Alaska


    I talked to you on the phone initially, it seemed very strange that it word work in stick mode and would feed wire but not arc in Mig.

    I ask several times if the power lead was plugged in and even had you look inside where the cable hooks to the wire feed unit.

    But the first picture shows the lead hanging there.
    Last edited by Ray; 06-30-2011 at 07:13 PM. Reason: spacebarnotworkinggood

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