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Thread: everlast generator external fuel supply

  1. Default everlast generator external fuel supply

    I have a diesel 6500 silent Everlast genset. Trying to add an external fuel supply. I have a low pressure pump pushing to the inlet of the fuel filter bypassing the internal tank. I have bypassed the internal tank return from the outlet of the filter with a T that goes to the fuel injector and the pump solenoid.

    I can't get the fuel to come out the fuel line on top of the cylinder. Any thoughts? How do I need to prime the injector?


  2. #2


    You need to keep the return back to the tank, and not to the injector, since this return can get filled with air.
    Crack the injector fuel line nut, and engage the compression release (if equipped) and spin it over until a steady stream of fuel with little or no bubbles is presence each time the injector "pops" off.

  3. #3


    please excercise caution. I am not familiar with everlast's diesel generators, but most injector pumps can run into thousands of PSI range.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 205
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  4. #4


    Cracking the nut is safe, as long as you don't put your eyeball down there. The pump should develop several thousand PSI under dead pressure, but when the unit is cracked, its not building much pressure, and can quickly clear the fuel line. This is a everyday, common thing on mechanically injected diesel engines.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by mfrederick View Post
    I have a diesel 6500 silent Everlast genset. Trying to add an external fuel supply. I have a low pressure pump pushing to the inlet of the fuel filter bypassing the internal tank. I have bypassed the internal tank return from the outlet of the filter with a T that goes to the fuel injector and the pump solenoid.

    I can't get the fuel to come out the fuel line on top of the cylinder. Any thoughts? How do I need to prime the injector?


    6500 is one cylinder yanmar engine, it MUST cool off after full tank of gas.
    are you planning to add ADDITIONAL tank ?
    Oleg Gladshteyn
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