had a job for an aluminum transom mount angle is 3/8 thick and the flat bar is 5/8 thick i used the 250 ex with 250 amps and 200 htz 20% dcen 1/8 4043 1/8 arc time tungsten
i know its not welded solid but its going to be through bolted the customer just want the rigidity of it being welded and having a gusset plate on it.i love this becuase it tested both the cooler that just bought and the wp 20 tig torch setup that i just put together.
the 250 ex never flinched i had it on for about 3 hours it performed flawlessly and the coolerdid an excellent job i do have a question about it is an itw or bernard style cooler with a procon vane pump it sounds like it there a real low chirp coming form the pump when its in use didnt know if thats normal or not. and also the wp 20 never got above warm during the entire time of doing this job the foot pedal was pretty much smashed unless near an edge.