WeldingWeb Apprentice
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 14
Everlast tig 250EX Review
Hi, I am happy to say I have a new welder.
I just unpacked a new 250ex welder from everlast. no shipping damage and not a scratch! I Like It. Had it set up and running in 30 min. On single phase wiring I used a 20 amp small plug just because I do mobile work. I connected the white and the black wires and taped off the red( used for 3 phase) wire and connected the green to ground. Fired right up
Welds great at 50/50 balance like my 250 syncrowave, soft arc and at 20/80 bal.with a pointed tip, AC.
The pulse works well with the movement of the foot pedal just like my syncro 250 pc-300, with, a very wide range.2 to 500hz
The coolest thing is at 25Amp 220 volt input, at wide open, it is putting out 267 Amps ac at 60 hz and 30/70 balance.. 20a input 225 amps ac output. So now I now what amps I will need to weld at a mobile job.
I have checked out the ac freq at 250hz and works well.
with a 5 year warranty, I feel good about my purchase.
The 250 single phase output at 60%Duty Cycle and the 250 A/C frequency out put sold me.
Thanks for reading my post.