Here are a few pics of another project of mine that I've been working on ... For a while now I've had some ideas in relation to automobile design in every aspect. Recently though I have began to lay the groundwork for a (custom) rolling chassis to support multiple small scale concept vehicle designs.
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0181.jpg 
Views:	407 
Size:	141.3 KB 
ID:	2884 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0180.jpg 
Views:	443 
Size:	142.6 KB 
ID:	2883

these are images of a single wheel design currently in progress. I choose to use 1/4" x x1/2" crst stock to begin fabrication of the bulk of the spokes, & plastic pipe section for the center wheel well. Eventually when the original is complete I'll make a mold to reproduce in different mediums like plastic, aluminum, bronze, etc.