Hello forum.... here are a few images of another piece I'm currently working on simultaneously with project one in conjunction with a current series of mine.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0223.jpg 
Views:	460 
Size:	144.5 KB 
ID:	2918

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0224.jpg 
Views:	465 
Size:	144.4 KB 
ID:	2919

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	work in progress.jpg 
Views:	442 
Size:	145.6 KB 
ID:	2917

I often work on multiple pieces @ once during a series so they can compliment one another to some degree. This sculpture when finish will be constructed of bronze, & steel. I have not choosen a tittle for it as it is still incomplete. I would estimate any where from 10-25 hrs. until completion @ this point.