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Thread: Pergola Project

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Sasktachewan, Canada

    Default Pergola Project

    I decided I wanted to build a pergola for my back entrance that would provide some protection while Bar-B-Qing, the only exception is really cold days. Then the Bar-B-Q is moved right in front of the back door. It took a while to decide on the proportions but I am pretty happy with the results. (See pictures below)

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	2965Click image for larger version. 

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    The six by six posts are mortised to the top six by six beam. The arches (to reduce costs) were two by eights that I cut my arch out of and then glued and bolted the cut out section on top. I haven't decided if I want to leave it open, build a permanent roof or have a custom tarp built. I have a cheap $9.00 tarp from Princess Auto that I a trying out until I decide. I will probably not make that decision until right after the cheap tarp fails.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSCN2602.jpg 
Views:	292 
Size:	140.1 KB 
ID:	2962  
    Attitude Determines Altitude

  2. #2


    would you leave the tarp up all year long? What about some sort of lattace work
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Sasktachewan, Canada


    Hey dgarnier

    The tarp currently holds a lot of water between the framing work after every rain so I think it would become too heavy with snow and ice for the winter. The two by eights are 24" apart on center with two by four's for bridging also on 24" centers.
    Attitude Determines Altitude

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