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Thread: PP 256 order

  1. #1

    Default PP 256 order

    I ordered a PP256 about a month ago on a preorder sale. I thought it would be good to post about it because a lot of customers are inclined to post only when something doesn't go the way they think it should. If it goes OK we go onto the next thing in our busy lives!

    The machine showed up about when promised and there was no visible shipping damage.

    I tested the various functions today, everything works. Over the next month I'll use it lots during the free shipping period.

    The new pedal is really nice, no need to make any further changes in my view, as long as the rack stays in good contact with the pinion on the POT. Looks like it will.

    I find that I can free hand with the plasma much better than I can with the PU205.
    I don't think this is due to differences in the plasma unit itself. Awhile back I did a little demo with the PU 205 plasma function. This was using my Mill feed to move a 3/8" plate under the fixed torch. The cuts were smooth as glass, really could not be improved upon.

    So I think the difference is perhaps in the way the A 81 torch fits the hand or in the way the standoff slides compared to the PU 205 torch. Small differences sometimes make a big improvement.

    Anyway I'm very happy with the machine and with the Sales department. Communication was good, I called a couple of times in Ed Grimley mode and spoke with Katya. I left one message about the extra length torch and got a call back same day.

    It will take a few days or perhaps weeks to get onto all of the additional controls, but it's nice to be able to change the arc to suit the requirements of the job at hand.

    Last edited by worntorn; 07-30-2011 at 08:13 PM.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  2. #2



    Glad you have your machine. Any questions just post here or get Mark or I on the phone.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. #3


    I remember the day my Power Master 256 arrived! It seemed like that delivery guy would never get there until he did... & when he did I was SO EXCITED! So far I am completely satisfied. pm 256 (aka power pro 256)
    As a man thinketh, so shall he be.

  4. #4


    It's a pretty amazing little piece of machinery. I read a post somewhere in which Mark points out that it has similar welding capability to the Miller Dynasty 350 on single phase. The MSRP on the Miller is $10,400 from the Miller site. Add in a 60 amp Miller or Hypertherm cutter and you are spending about 12- $14,000 to get this much capability

    On top of that the warranty on the Everlast is 5 years vs 3 years for the Miller, not sure how long the Hypertherm warranty is.

    None of which would matter much if the machines didn't weld and cut nicely, but they do.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  5. #5


    I am sure you'll be very happy with the cuts and welds of the PP256, any of our machines for that matter. Note that operator assistance is required for proper function.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. #6


    "Note that operator assistance is required for proper function."

    I was wondering about that. For now I'm still needed, at least until the next generation of machines shows up.

    Is the CNC port on the back for use of the plasma cutter in a CNC table?

    Also, what is the small plastic tube with blue ends and a steel ball inside for? It is marked A 81, same as the plasma torch.

    Is there a receptacle somewhere on the machine for 240v power to the cooler?
    I've read posts about earlier machines having a receptacle for the cooler on the back, but don't see one on there, just the CNC port.


    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by worntorn View Post
    "Note that operator assistance is required for proper function."

    I was wondering about that. For now I'm still needed, at least until the next generation of machines shows up.

    Is the CNC port on the back for use of the plasma cutter in a CNC table?

    Also, what is the small plastic tube with blue ends and a steel ball inside for? It is marked A 81, same as the plasma torch.

    Is there a receptacle somewhere on the machine for 240v power to the cooler?
    I've read posts about earlier machines having a receptacle for the cooler on the back, but don't see one on there, just the CNC port.



    Yes on the CNC, you can search the forum for a description of the pins. I hope they are under technical bulletins. If not I will find them and move them over.

    The plastic tube is to set the PSI on the torch. You fire the air and place it over the nozzle tight, you set the air until the ball is setting in the circle.

    I do not recall the cooler outlet being added on the PP256. I know the 250EX has it and I think the 256 has the CNC connector.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  8. #8


    thanks Mike

    Yes, you're right, it was an Ex I read about having the cooler outlet.

    What have people been doing for the 1.1 amp draw 240 v. to the cooler with PP256?
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  9. #9


    You could add a low cost socket and plug to keep the cost down, just make sure you wire it for 220vac. 1-2 amps is light so no high amp plugs are required. Also, you can run without the cooler up to 140-150 amps if you are not running too heavy a duty.

    My Bernard runs on 110vac, so I am lucky there, but I rarely use it. Thought about selling it I use it so little.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  10. #10


    Mike, it is even less amps than you state. I originally though it might be possible too. But after talking with torch companies and using them myself, and customer reports, You need to keep it UNDER 100 amps...Even at that the hose can melt through the side. There IS NO cooling of the cable that runs inside the synthetic rubber hose. On a REGULAR single line torch, the argon traveling down the hose keeps the cable fairly cool, and even with that style, similar to the wp9, its maxes out at 125 amps. However the cable on ours has no cooling at all when water is not connected, and it heats up and readily melts into the hose walls,eventually burning/melting through. IF a person were willing to run compressed air through the lines, it might be possible to run it up higher to 125 amps, but that would mean that they'd need an air compressor to do it as well. The cable that is used inside the hose is much smaller than a dedicated two line Argon/Power cable. Compare the cable to a 2 line WP26 torch, there is a separate, insulated, heavy gauge cable for the power line and a separate argon line. The cable is more than twice as thick as the line that runs inside the water cooled torch...Even this line at 200 amps can heat up. 200 amps is the max capacity of MOST air cooled torches commonly used on the U.S. market. But when you go to a water cooled torch, this little cable with water running over it will increase the capacity of a water cooled torch to over 300 amps...

  11. #11


    Sounds like I should get the cooler ordered up pronto. Really, even if it was Ok to go to 150 amps, that is pretty limiting on Aluminum.

    As you say, the WP26 air cooled torches at 200amps get hot. For one job a couple of months ago I did a fair bit of tig welding 1/4 wall tubing @ 200 amps with the little PU205. There was no worry about exceeding the duty cycle of the welder because the torch got too hot to hold long before that occurred.

    According to my friend the welding instructor, one other advantage with a cooler is that the shield gases also stay cooler and work better to shield the weld, particularly on aluminum.

    Are the coolers in stock right now?

    Last edited by worntorn; 07-31-2011 at 09:01 PM.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  12. #12


    Don't know if the coolers are in stock or not. I have a notification that mine had a shipping invoice for UPS but no shipping information. The 250EX will be here Tuesday and no shipping info on the cooler or cart.
    Lincoln Weld-Pak 100 (C-25 or CO2 Shield)
    Victor Oxy-Act
    Lincoln AC225 Tombstone
    Everlast 250EX & W300 Cooler

  13. #13


    hmmmm.. sounds like I might be waiting a bit for a cooler.

    I wonder if my wife will notice that I've moved her aquarium into the shop?

    Ths fish are all tropical, they should be happy with welder heated water!
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  14. #14


    Guys I built my own cooler for between 200 and 250 dollars it works great and was fairly easy and a fun project if you search my threads yo can see build pictures.
    Or contact courtjester on here I think he is selling some.
    Everlast I mig 205
    Everlast 200 amp spool gun
    Everlast 250 ex
    H. F. 12x36 lathe
    Grizzly Mill
    10,000 lb two post lift
    Box and Pan Brake
    Bead roller
    jet 5x7 horizontal band saw
    Wilton 14 inch vertical band saw
    Mitec 50 A plasma cutter.
    tool grinder
    20 ton press and press brake
    more power and hand tools then I can list here
    Dodge Neon that runs 10.23 @143 mph in the quater
    70 Chevelle convert
    It took 62 years But I finally have my dream Garage

  15. #15



    call me in the AM please or PM me your info
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

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