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Thread: Pulse Operation with 250LX

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Washington state

    Exclamation Pulse Operation with 250LX

    It was stated somewhere that we ought to use the manual published by Everlast on this site, and not the one that comes with the welder; BUT there is almost no pulse operation process information in the manual on this site where as there is some information pamphlet enclosed with the welder.

    It would be great if there were a lot more information for us neebies on use of the pulse features with specific starting setups for TIG welding of carbon steel, stainless, and aluminum. Seems a shame to have to determine it all by experiment since there are so many variables especially for someone new to TIG.

    I've ordered a book from Miller, but it's not the same as someone writing or showing use of the machine I own.

    Tnx in advance, John

  2. #2


    The internet is full of articles. is one good site. There are many.

    If you google you'll find plenty of info on TIG. There is no set settings to give you as your speed and style will differ from others.

    You can post questions here and we can answer them. Have you thought about a class at a local community college or a trade school? They are very informative. Most of them teach welding. We sell welders and support the welder, not really teach welding.

    We will eventually have articles on the forum, but right now we are working on new products updates and a new line of accessories and we're very busy.

    You should start with a piece of scrap like what you are going to be working on. Set your amps (1 amp per 1 thousandth thickness on steel), start with the balance (duty cycle) in the center, frequency in the center, peak/base in the center. Do a test bead. Adjust the Hz and balance each way and see what works best for you. Make sure the argon is on, you'll know if it's not.

    But there's no set settings that will match each person, welder and work piece.

    What are you trying to weld and what model welder do you have? That information will allow us to help you better.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. #3


    I wish it were possible to include every possible setting for every metal/electrode/ thickness/amperage combination. But it isn't. Miller, Lincoln and the other guys don't include such information in their manuals. (That is why Miller ends up offering volumes of information outside of their manuals.) Their manuals generally are very spartan on information. They purely list function and do very little toward giving clues about operation. We have attempted to include comparable information into ours and go beyond by offering a quick primer in basic use. We have realized that we do have new people and professionals buy our products. So we have tried to hit a midpoint.

    Pulse operation, while helpful for inexperienced users on thin material to prevent burn through, is really an advanced feature intended for exotic alloys and metals sensitive to overheating, martenization or HAZ formation.

    But if you do have any questions, post them here and we will help you with your particular application and setup.
    Last edited by performance; 08-08-2009 at 05:19 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Washington state


    Thanks for the bandwidth Mark; much appreciated.

    By the way, I received a water cooled torch from Everlast with my welder. Does the torch have a model number? What other manufacturer's torch number is equivalent for spare parts in a pinch...when there's not time to order from you guys?

  5. #5



    The model number should be printed on the torch neck. I believe it is a WP18.

    Weldcraft, one the most common aftermarket tig torch suppliers of consumables and torches, will interchange with the same numbers. In fact our WP26 and WP 18 torches should interchange and have the same parts in common with weldcraft.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Washington state


    Great...thanks Mark!

  7. Default

    Thats probably the best way to learn is by trial and error. That way you know one way does not work so try it a differ way untill it produces the weld you want and after that test it for failure to make sure you have the right settings. I have been welding for years and also took a college course for weld inspection and each application of welding and machine varies so just keep at it untill it passes your inspection. Or at least a certified weld

  8. #8


    Your right...some of our competitors are trying to "dumb" down welding so that they can make it more accessible to the general public by offering complex charts or machines that quite literally say "If you want to weld 1/4 inch steel plate set knob here."..with out any amperage or voltage inform customer of exact setting. While this may be good for some new isn't teaching anything but dependence upon the company that supplies the machine and constricting the user to that type machine when he goes elsewhere to weld.

    What has the person really learned about welding? He lives in constant fear of being Zapped by the Blue and Red welding gods if they step out of line and want to "mess" with or question the

    Of course there will always be the new guys needing to be spoon fed...which is all okay...but that is why we are here to offer personal, tailor suited recommendations and to inform the customer on the true principles of welding, not just a "plug and play" mentality. Sure, in the future, a chart or graph might be nice for a reference, but even then it will be only offered as a guidline and not the "gospel" truth with generous room for experimentation by the user.

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