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Thread: Thanks Oleg, Alex, Katya and all the tech guys.......

  1. #1

    Default Thanks Oleg, Alex, Katya and all the tech guys.......

    Just wanted to say thank you to all at Everlast. I recently bought a Powertig 250EX and I thought it was having problems. It just would not weld right on AC and was not real good on DC either. I called tech support and they walked me through a few things but nothing helped.

    I have a friend who tig welds for a living and he came over to see if he could help. He could not even get a bead started.....I thought...."Oh great...I've got either a bad machine or I'm too stupid to tig weld.......For two days I struggled. I called tech support. They were really helpful. Got through to them easily. I called sales.....Oleg was very helpful. I was getting frustrated and even had thoughts of returning it if I could not get a decent weld with it.

    But......I had an idea that maybe it might be a bad tank of argon. So I took the tank back to the LWS and they came to the conclusion that there was CO2 in the tank with the argon. Does not make for a good tig weld for sure and will make you think that either you can't weld or the welder is faulty.

    As it turned out, the Everlast Powertig 250EX is now working perfectly. Beautiful beads on steel and aluminum. An arc to die for. Smooth as silk. I'm sure glad I decided to check out the gas situation as that was the only problem.

    I have found that tigging with the Powertig 250EX is awesome. I also have the Powerplasma 50 and I love that darned thing too. Way better cutting with that than cutting with cut off disks and a grinder like I was doing for so many years.

    My biggest regret was not getting my tig and plasma cutter sooner. So If you are thinking of getting an Everlast product.....just do it. The folks at Everlast are great and the products are incredible despite what some die hard blue and red fans say!

  2. #2


    Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I do not work for or own stock in Everlast. I am not related to anyone who owns or works for the Everlast corporation. I'm just a weldor and enjoy sticking metal together. If it was a POS, I would have said so. GO GREEN!

  3. #3


    Glad to hear you are up and running and thanks for the kind words and post.

    Seems we are getting a few bad gas calls lately.

    If you are burning up the electrodes, that would be the first thing to check. I guess they are no flushing all the gas from the old tanks and that little bit will make for a bad weld.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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