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Thread: Just got the Cut50D going today

  1. Default Just got the Cut50D going today

    Received the plasma today and put it right to work. I am fashioning a track torch for it using "found objects". Working pretty good so far. Should receive the low speed motor for it this week and when I do I'll post some pictures on here. This plasma is small but will go right through just about anything! Put some stainless plates on a spindle and hand turned them making perfectly round wheels for my track torch using the plasma. This plasma will be used primarily in the track torch apparatus cutting 20" long cuts in 3/16" back to back. Shouldn't exceed the 30% duty cycle so after I get a few weeks into it I'll post on here and let you know how it's doing in my shop. I've used many different plasma units and this one is indistinguishable in cut quality from any name brand. I used to be a welding instructor and one day one of my students pushed our Powermax off the table. $600 to fix a damaged circuit board! If Americans could make units like Everlast at a reasonable price I'd go with that. Until that day, I'm sticking with the Everlast.

  2. Default Re: Just got the Cut50D going today

    Visit my website for pictures of my franken-track torch I made for my plasma. [img][/img]

  3. Default Re: Just got the Cut50D going today

    Welcome aboard, wish all everlast people would sign-up here. Most get their unit and go play but not share.

    Nice looking unit. I recognize the torch. Do you have any video of it in action? Like to see how it cuts? Straight cuts only? This could be the start of a CNC machine for me. haha..
    Mike R.

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