Any time I mess with galvanized I spot weld. Those spot welders that Harbor Freight sells are pretty good for what they are. I hate welding with arc or gas galvanized as it pops and smokes and is generally a PITA. The Spot welder just hits it with one small area and it holds like nothing else. Now I have the Powertig 250EX, I am looking at using it for spot welding too on galvanized.
I have a friend who is a body man and he often uses galvanized sheet for car body repair. He uses glue to hold it down and in almost 15 years, the cars he has fixed for rust have never rusted again according to him. He also rustproofs the daylights out of the repair areas on the back side which also helps. He says that gluing is way better than welding for body repair as the technology has gotten better and there is no heat distortion to deal with.
Last edited by Steve; 10-03-2011 at 08:07 PM.
Powertig 250EX
Powerplasma 50
Hobart Handler 210 with spoolgun
Cobra 2000 / Henrob O/A torch
Drill press / metal brake / 36 ton air hydraulic press
Franzinated modified Craftsman 33 compressor
Lots of other metal working tools