well I was in the local metal supply a couple weeks ago and they had a strong hand welding table on display, had I $1900 on hand I would have bought it in an instant, it's a thing of beauty. But being the thinker I am I decided I could build one for a fraction of the cost but I would not have the milled and trued top..... I can live with that .

what I do want is the 5/8 x 6 cold rolled top with the 1.750 spacing so I can use their clamping system . I am at home right now so I dont have pictures of the frame ( I will add those on Sunday ) I welded together a base for the plate 42.75 x 44.5 with the 5/8 plates installed this will give me a 48 x 44.750 top with a 1' overhang on the short side and a 1-3/4 overhang on the long side. Now I still have to weld in 2 more support cross bars into the top support base but being in a wheelchair I have decided to weld on the bolt down bars to those first and then weld them in .

the bolt down bars ( 24 of them ) support each plate to the table base on each of the 4 bars and I will have 6 5/8" plates so 6x4=24 . each hold down bar has 2 holes 7/16 - 20 in it to accept a corresponding flat head hex key bolt. I have finished drilling and tapping those and will be welding them in place using a template I made from a rubbing I did of the actual table down at the local metal supply. ( nice guys there )

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	welding table and pump 001.jpg 
Views:	2202 
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ID:	3110

so that's where I am right now, oh I also have the legs done with the caster plates welded on them 2" .250 square tubing. I will cut those to finished height so that I can roll under it in my power wheelchair ( my knees need to clear) so finished height top to floor should be 36" about perfect for someone standing also.

more to come
