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Thread: 250EX Amp Setting Changes??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sherwood Park, Alberta

    Default 250EX Amp Setting Changes??

    I just received my 250EX and have been trying the different features. The machine seems to run well but I've noticed something weird with the digital display. I was welding some header tubing and had the machine set at about 60 amps with the pulse on. On finishing a weld I happened to glance at the display and it was at 103. After about 5 or 10 seconds (it seemed like an eternity) it returned to 60. I tried it a number of times and got the same thing whether I had the pulse on or not. I then watched the display when starting an arc and as soon as I pressed the trigger the display went to 103. As soon as the arc was established the setting returned to 60 where it had been set. I haven't tried a higher setting to see what happens. Has anyone else noticed this with their machines? I don't understand why the reading would jump to 103 and then return to what I set.

    One other question. When I got the machine I wired it with the black and white as the hot leads. When I hit the switch, nothing. I tried the black and red thinking that might work and nothing. Finally I tried the red and white and the machine fired up and seems to run OK. I've read that the black and white are typically the right leads to wire up, that's why I started there. Anyone else have to use the red and white leads?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The Boonies of Texas


    According to the manual, Red and white is wrong for 220 VAC operation. The red wire is only used for 3 phase operation. Black and white are correct for 220 VAC single phase operation with green as ground. I am sure Mark, Mike or Ray will chime in with what problem you have with it not running when wired using Black and White as your two hot's. I think your display problems are directly related to the incorrect wiring.

    Last edited by Tritium; 08-10-2011 at 05:47 AM.
    Miller Bobcat 3 Phase,
    Miller Suitcase X-Treme 12VS wire feeder for the Bobcat with M-25 300A .045" gun / Bernard 400A 5/64" wire mig gun .
    26 series gas cooled TIG torch, setup for quick connect to Bobcat.
    17 series gas cooled Tig Torch for Low Amp Solar Tig (Direct Solar Panel Powered Tig welding)
    Hobart Handler 187 Mig / Fluxcore
    EVERLAST PowerUltra 205P
    EVERLAST PowerTig 250 EXT 2013 Model

  3. Default

    Here's the manual Thurmond is referring to... and Mark will mention shortly.

  4. #4


    Unless someone miss wired the power switch it should be black and white for hots and green to ground for single phase. If you pop the cover, the wires going into the power switch should be white (closets to cover), red (middle) and black.

    On the display, it is not updated when welding due to the HF and power going on. This is normal. And there is a few second delay before the amp display transfer back.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sherwood Park, Alberta


    I wired up the black and white initially but the machine was DOA. I pulled the cover and checked to make sure there was power on both sides of the switch but I can't recall the order of the wires in the switch. I think they were red, white and then black but I have to check.

    With the display it seems funny that when I break the arc the machine jumps to 103 every time. It's not a random number, it's the same number every time. Watching the display the amps would be the correct setting while welding but as soon as I released the switch (2T operation using the torch switch) it jumps to 103.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sherwood Park, Alberta


    I resolved the issue around the wiring. Duncan had rewired the switch for three phase and never changed it back when he sold me the machine so that mystery is solved.
    Everlast 250EX
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    Linde Mig

  7. Default

    Did that also resolve the consistently baseless number popping up too, or not?

  8. #8


    Turn your up and down slope off, and turn your start and end amps off. Make sure you are in 2T to use it. You have about a 3-4 second delay before the number returns to 0.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sherwood Park, Alberta


    Tjabo, the machine was wired OK when I noticed the issue with the setting changing so it didn't have an impact on what I was seeing.

    Mark, I'm pretty sure I had those settings turned all the way down. I'm out of town so I'll check when I get home. I do know that I had it in 2T mode.
    Everlast 250EX
    Everlast PP60
    Lincoln PowerMig 200
    Linde Mig

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