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Thread: New guy/CNC plasma

  1. #1

    Default New guy/CNC plasma

    Hi Folks,
    My name is Joe and I am very happy to be here! I'm in the process of building a CNC Plasma machine on an extremely low budget. I am considering purchasing an Everlast Power Plasma 50.

    Unfortunately, I have learned that talking about Everlast products on other forums seems to bring out some pretty bad characteristics in certain people.

    I'm looking forward to conversing with everyone.


  2. #2


    Welcome Joe, it's tough to explain to people about Everlast after they just spent 2 or 3 times the money for something that can be out performed by an Everlast product; but that's life if you don't do your homework.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by geezer View Post
    Welcome Joe, it's tough to explain to people about Everlast after they just spent 2 or 3 times the money for something that can be out performed by an Everlast product; but that's life if you don't do your homework.
    I'm beginning to see what your talking about. Thanks geezer!

  4. #4


    Welcome aboard Joe,

    You must have been over on weldingweb.

    How you can have guys that do not own our products (and say they never will) nor used one offer any input on our products. But there are a bunch over there that will chime in.

    Any question feel free to post. You will find our Everlast tech guys are here everyday, weekends too. And also find a number of our customers know the products as well as we do. Bunch of great people here.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    Welcome aboard Joe,

    You must have been over on weldingweb.

    How you can have guys that do not own our products (and say they never will) nor used one offer any input on our products. But there are a bunch over there that will chime in.

    Any question feel free to post. You will find our Everlast tech guys are here everyday, weekends too. And also find a number of our customers know the products as well as we do. Bunch of great people here.
    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Yes, my user name is "arewehavingfun" at a couple other forums. I must say, I certainly hope I never have to go through that experience again.

    Once again, I'm glad I'm here and I certainly can appreciate the positive energy here.


  6. #6


    Here and accounted for.

    Yes, I appreciated your post over there, even though these days, its a brave one...But hey we are talking the internet, what possible long lasting effect can it have on our psyche? Though, its amazing how it brings out the inner bully in some people.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Here and accounted for.

    Yes, I appreciated your post over there, even though these days, its a brave one...But hey we are talking the internet, what possible long lasting effect can it have on our psyche? Though, its amazing how it brings out the inner bully in some people.
    Thank's Mark!

    I totally agree with the inner bully theory.


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