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Thread: Everlast Welding Helmets PowerVision series

  1. #1

    Default Everlast Welding Helmets PowerVision series

    You have been asking for them... They're here!!!...well on the way.... This is a sneak peak and prices are yet to be determined. Detailed specs well be posted later, but we will have auto-darkening, 4 sensor units with 9-13 shade, units with 7-15 shade, 2 sensor units with 9-13 shade.

    In September, we will offer an auto adjusting shade unit that senses the flash intensity and adjusts the units to the appropriate shade automatically.

    All units feature temperature compensation technology that automatically adjust the shade to compensate for temperature changes that affect LCD technology.The switching time is among the fastest in the industry at 1ms.
    They have a wide range of rated operation temperature from 14F to 140F.

    They have changeable lithium ion batteries with solar assist, up to 5000 hours of operation time before changing. They have audible low battery alarms so that it will alert you when the time comes.

    They also have digital controls and read outs. Even the cheapest model will have full analog controls over shade, sensitivity and delay.

    The filters and helmets carry CE certification, real certification, not just a stamped logo.
    And, the prices will be the best in their for them soon.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by performance; 08-10-2009 at 11:14 PM.

  2. #2


    The helmets also offer 100percent UV/IR protection at clear state, even with battery failure.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Washington state


    Do you really mean 1mS as I have helmets that switch in under 40uS...???

  4. #4


    Will they accept cheater lenses

  5. #5



    These are advanced technology helmets.

    They are on par with Speedglas's speeds of .1 ms.

    They are not your run of the mill HF helmets, not that there's anything wrong with them. I had one for 6 years...


    We will be able to tell you more about it in about a week. I will see about the cheater lenses first thing. But we have to receive them first to see if they are able to. My gut tells me that they will.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by John.A. View Post
    Do you really mean 1mS as I have helmets that switch in under 40uS...???

    Have you confirmed the switching time on them? 40 Micro seconds is pretty fast. You have a scope and know that for a fact?

    A TV screen does frame rates at 60/2 Hz a second (interlaced 2 times a second). I think you are safe with the IR and UV protection our new filters offer.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Steveg View Post
    Will they accept cheater lenses
    I would think so, there is room from my eyes to the filter so I can slip on my glasses.

    I assume that is what you are talking about?
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  8. #8


    John....Now I see the confusion...

    I dropped off the . on the number. Its .1 mILLIsECONDS

    .0001 seconds to make it simple.

    What helmet do you have John?

    The cheater lenses are like a flat magnifying lens that affixes to the inside of the filter.
    Last edited by performance; 08-13-2009 at 03:37 AM.

  9. Default

    Any pricing on these yet? I checked and clicked helmets and it just gave a description, not price. It may be there, but I didnt see it.

  10. #10


    Pricing is still being discussed. We will have to evaluate small little things as duties and bulk shipping cost. But, they will range in prices and we will have price points that should make these helmets very attractive for their features.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Washington state


    Mark. Don't remember which helmet I have as not in the shop, but supposedly advertized to switch in under 1/25,000 seconds (40 microseconds). Now does it really?? Well, not sure I have the equipment to measure it...have scope, but not sure if I can find a fast enough photo detector.

  12. #12


    No, the bracket like my arc one has to slip in a plastic lense from the local welding store.


  13. #13


    After receiving our first small shipment for testing and evaluation, I do believe they will accept the lens.

    Overall, the my first evaluation has been pretty good. The filters are absolutely perfect. The helmets are comfortable and compact enough for those tight spots and seem to be suited quite well to overhead welding. One welder's remark that had been using an OLD speedglas was that the optics were much clearer while welding.

  14. #14


    Any update on the helmets? Is a large view lens in the future?

  15. #15


    The lens issue is a thing that we have addressed with our manufacturing facility.
    These lenses are not "clones" or copies of another US based company. They are independently designed and patented.

    This company uses high tech design and testing equipment. According to their studies, these filters more than meet the usable viewing area requirements.

    Larger area views for autodarkening aren't practical from a larger window standpoint. The issues surrounding the LCD darkening is complex. The best comparison I have seen is that LCD tech is like a venetian blind. The more you are looking out of the helmet at an advanced angle, the less filtering you receive. Beyond 15 degrees of viewing angle up or down, the shade darkness changes by several shade numbers(lightens). Although many mfgr's do use this large viewing area as a selling point, it isn't meant for extreme viewing angles.
    The filter may be flipped over if a different postion is required quite easily.

    Our US testing facility is at welding school which is testing them harshly. So far, the filters have performed flawlessly with many positive comments regarding visibility and excellent clarity.

    But to titilate the senses a little more until they are here,

  16. #16


    Thanks Mark,
    I do a lot of welding in cars where you kind of fit your head where you can to get the job done so I like a compact helmet and some times I find myself using all the area available in my large lens.

  17. Default

    Are the new helmets in stock, and do you have peicing?

  18. #18


    They are on order.
    We may have a new helmet design to offer so we will make the decision on the final helmet configuration this week...After that it is a simple matter of confirming and then it goes on from there. We want to be absolutely sure that the helmets are in as good as the filters. The current helmets are good, but the factory has offered us a new design possibility that would reduce the styles/parts needed to support the after sale customer care. So, we will review it in the upcoming week and finalize that decision. I expect helmets here in time for an early Christmas present....Maybe earlier.

  19. Default

    Thanks Mark.

  20. Default

    any word on the helmets and pricing?

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