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Thread: PowerTig 200DX Cover

  1. Default PowerTig 200DX Cover

    Here is a nice cover my wife reluctantly made for my PowerTig 200DX welder. It's made from dark green "Duck Canvas" from the local JoAnn Fabrics store. I believe I paid about $10.00 for the material which was on sale and is quite nice. I believe I purchased 1 1/2 yards.

    Dimensions for the fabric pieces:
    Quantity 2 Side panels 18" X 22.5"
    Quantity 2 End Panels 13.5 " X 18"
    Quantity 1 Top Panel 13.5" X 22.5"

    The above dimensions make a fairly roomy cover with about 0.25 inch for the seams and 1" turned under on the bottom edge.

    You can cut the two sides and two ends in one shot by folding the cloth in half and then splitting it when you are done. It's much easier to convince someone to sew the pieces together if you cut the pieces yourself!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0889.JPG 
Views:	520 
Size:	111.3 KB 
ID:	3181

    Link to material:
    Last edited by earla; 08-27-2011 at 09:56 PM. Reason: Added link to material

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The Boonies of Texas


    Nice! Here is a thread about this very subject:

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  3. #3


    I would like to have one of those myself. I don't like the idea of my 200dx sitting out exposed. I tend to go a few weeks between uses. I worked for an Internet Service Provider in the late 90's and did computer repair all that fun stuff. Every time I worked on a computer in a shop it was always filthy inside. Not sure if it hurts anything, but I would feel better.
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