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Thread: Beginner from PA

  1. #1

    Default Beginner from PA

    I became an empty nester a couple years ago. I have always been active with hobbies, though they had focused on the kids for so long.

    So, I've started getting back to stuff I like to do. I'm a life long woodworker and photographer but I wanted a big project and to try new things. So, I started building a hovercraft.

    It's been going on about a year and is nearing completion. However, I need some welding done (steering, structural supports, blade guards, trailer mods). While I could ask welders I know to do it - it seemed like the perfect "excuse" to learn to weld. Something I always wanted to do, but never had a good enough reason or time for.

    So, I'm the proud owner a Hobart Handler 187 and a Power Plasma 50. And starting on building new skills.

    I've look at a number of sites for welders, and this seems to be one of the better ones - not only for information, but for positive feedback. I've seen a lot of experienced folks on these forums, and I hope to take advantage of that wisdom. (I've always felt its less unpleasant to learn from other's mistakes than your own.)
    Last edited by EmptyNester; 08-29-2011 at 10:09 PM.
    Just starting in Aug '10
    Hobart Handler 187
    Power Plasma 50

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    South Carolina
    Blog Entries


    Welcome...all my welds look like a dirt dobber made them so I'm in the practice/learning mode also. I hope to take delivery of a power plazma 50 tomorrow and can't wait to cut with it.

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