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Thread: I'm not going to win as I won't join Facebook

  1. #1

    Default I'm not going to win as I won't join Facebook

    The contest is all well and good....but........

    I know that Facebook is like the place to be, but I refuse to join Facebook. Why?

    First there is the issue of security. There has been more than one story about ID theft via Facebook. is no one's business who I am and what I am doing.

    Third....Facebook has financial backers like the CIA, who data mine Facebook regularly.

    Read the terms agreement with Facebook when you sign up.

    What you post of Facebook will always be long as there is an internet.

    For more information....see this site....... looks like I don't have a chance to win......I just won't join Facebook....ever.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    I understand your concerns about security. I have a facebook account- but no time and no inclination to post details of my life there. I've also got it configured to allow only "friends" to view the details that I don't post there.

    The contest is open to members that post 75 messages on the forums. If you get to 75 posts and you Like the Everlast site on Facebook, your name gets thrown in the hat again... and if you post up to 5 projects related to metal working, your name gets thrown in the hat again for each project (assuming you cross the 75 messages threshold). So in fact you are already on your way to entering and winning- you can enhance your chances with projects and again with the facebook "like". Facebook is an add-on, not a requirement.
    Last edited by DaveO; 08-30-2011 at 01:21 PM.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveO View Post
    I understand your concerns about security. I have a facebook account- but no time and no inclination to post details of my life there. I've also got it configured to allow only "friends" to view the details that I don't post there.

    The contest is open to members that post 75 messages on the forums. If you get to 75 posts and you Like the Everlast site on Facebook, your name gets thrown in the hat again... and if you post up to 5 projects related to metal working, your name gets thrown in the hat again for each project (assuming you cross the 75 messages threshold). So in fact you are already on your way to entering and winning- you can enhance your chances with projects and again with the facebook "like". Facebook is an add-on, not a requirement.
    Excellent. I've got more than 5 project going so I'll enter them.

    Are all the posts on all the forums here considered when meeting the 75? I mean someone could go to the "everything else" section and post something about say...."why shredded wheat or french toast should be banned." Would those be considered a valid post to get to the 75 or are there judges or rules about being only about welding and welding projects?

    I would prefer this site to be a lot less like some of the others where arguments and fights take place daily. Some of those posters make 75 posts in a day!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Everlast is looking for meaningful and relevant posts. It's a welding vendor's site and the contest is to promote welding, so long discussions about shredded wheat would not pass the sniff test. If you read the details in the contest announcement there's a discussion of posts, and a caution to avoid spamming. In the first contest there were a lot of posts that said "Wow, cool project" and "Nice job" so the moderators are looking out for that kind of thing, and will delete posts (and reudce the "number of posts" count) if somebody over-does it. The occasional drift into other topics, such as the Hurricane Irene thread the other day, is OK but the moderators closed Chat Lounge section of the forum some time back, possibly to avoid rants and raves and padding the post count.

    I think you'll find this site DOES avoid the daily arguments and fights- specifically on purpose, to avoid becoming like those sites.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  5. #5


    A good time to point out: Please read all the rules. I thought it was pretty specific... We never said it was a requirement. The requirement is 75 posts, nothing else to make first entry, and we even discussed it on the contest thread again I believe.

  6. #6


    OK sounds good. Now.......

    Will my posts here be considered good posts for the contest?

    Just kidding. Don't allow them as I should have read the rules.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    OK sounds good. Now.......

    Will my posts here be considered good posts for the contest?

    Just kidding. Don't allow them as I should have read the rules.


    please do enter .. we PREFER like on Faceboook but not necessary
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

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