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Thread: PU 205 problem?

  1. Default PU 205 problem?


    Hi all, I am having a problem with my PU205. When using the finger control with machine set on "panel" everything seems to work fine. When I attach the foot pedal and set the machine to "remote" it blows right through the 1/8" material no matter what the amp setting. Just for S's & G's , I set the machine on "panel" while using the pedal. Using it that way, it seems to operate at the correct amperage but there is no ability to ramp down (or up), it just operates at the set amperage. I just noticed the problem recently as I normally use the finger control. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Chugiak , Alaska


    With the switch in Panel, it would just act like a on off switch.

    Sounds like an issue with the pedal. Depending on the style you have.

    Best bet would to be to give me a call, and I can talk you through checking the pedal over.

    X207 and let it ring (and ring) if I can't pick up it will eventualy go to voice mail, leave a message and I'll call you back.
    Last edited by Ray; 09-03-2011 at 04:47 AM.

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  3. Default

    Hi Ray, I just wanted to let you know that I took your lead and looked into the foot pedal and I found that problem immediately. The bar with the rack on it was pivoting away from the gear on the pot when the pedal was pushed. I added a light spring from the bottom of the rack to the end of the pedal housing and took care of that problem. Now, the only question I have is, when the welder is set to remote, a random number appears on the readout that does not correspond to the amperage. I can ramp up and down fine but I am unsure if the readout is acting as it should. I thought that I would be able to set a max amps on the display and control the amperage between 0 and the amperage I set with the pedal. Not sure if my wording makes sense, if it doesn't let me know and I will call you. Thanks, Glenn

  4. #4


    Your unit is functioning correctly. There is no panel control of the max amps on the Power Ultra series. This is an economy unit and the foot pedal retains control over the entire range of amps. When you press the pedal the amps will read output. As it is, its probably a negative number or maybe 5-7 amps until you step on the pedal. That's normal and 100% correct for this unit.

  5. Default

    Thanks for the help.

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