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Thread: Anyone have any experience with the clear pyrex torch nozzles?

  1. #1

    Default Anyone have any experience with the clear pyrex torch nozzles?

    I've been seeing a lot of folks starting to use the clear pyrex tig torch nozzles and was wondering if anyone with experience with them could comment on the usefulness of them. I mean what are the advantages of having a clear nozzle instead of the pink nozzles that are so common? I know that supposedly you can see the weld puddle better and also keep an eye on the electrode, but do they really work and are they worth it? For 20 or more bucks, they better have some advantage!

    Always looking for an edge to get a better weld bead!
    Last edited by Steve; 09-03-2011 at 06:02 AM.

  2. #2


    Haven't used them, but the obvious advantage would be a better look at the puddle, add in a screen for better gas diffusion and they could be all right, I'll probably buy a set just to have them on hand for a try out, a couple of bucks isn't gonna be the end of the world and who knows, they may be worth it. Having a better view could help maintain correct torch angle. Spent more money on worse things.

  3. #3
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    I would rather use a gas lens with greater stick-out and use the much cheaper nozzles.

    Miller Bobcat 3 Phase,
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    26 series gas cooled TIG torch, setup for quick connect to Bobcat.
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  4. #4
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    Here is a thread about the clear cups, also known as ck "gas saver" torch components (don't forget to search before you post ):
    '13 Everlast 255EXT
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by jakeru View Post
    Here is a thread about the clear cups, also known as ck "gas saver" torch components (don't forget to search before you post ):
    I did check that post out and that thread did not answer my question. All I saw was " I think" Or "It looks Like". One guy said he welds old jet engines with them and they seem to work well. I'm not welding jet engines so I was wondering if they are a good thing to have for just everyday fabrication and general welding. Another guy says "HE's heard bad things about them." What in the heck does that mean?" I asked the question "Anyone with EXPERIENCE".....there were a lot of opinions but not much of an answer from those who actually use one.

    One person did say he used one but did not have much experience with tig welding so his opinion was pretty weak.

    I'm looking for someone who is tig fluent and knows what they are doing. I want an opinion on how well those types of cups work from someone who knows welding and uses them.

    I would not have posted if there was a good answer on the site!
    Last edited by Steve; 09-06-2011 at 03:23 AM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I did check that post out and that thread did not answer my question. All I saw was " I think" Or "It looks Like". One guy said he welds old jet engines with them and they seem to work well. I'm not welding jet engines so I was wondering if they are a good thing to have for just everyday fabrication and general welding. Another guy says "HE's heard bad things about them." What in the heck does that mean?" I asked the question "Anyone with EXPERIENCE".....there were a lot of opinions but not much of an answer from those who actually use one.

    One person did say he used one but did not have much experience with tig welding so his opinion was pretty weak.

    I'm looking for someone who is tig fluent and knows what they are doing. I want an opinion on how well those types of cups work from someone who knows welding and uses them.

    I would not have posted if there was a good answer on the site!
    I like clear straight forward answers myself.
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  7. #7
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    Steve - I guess I would have assumed if someone found a thread on the very topic they were interested in discussing, they would have posted a reply to it, rather than made another, duplicate thread about it.

    Keeping the discussion in one spot makes it easier for others to learn from the topic who happen to search and/or stumble across the thread, no? If everyone made a new thread about every thought they had, the board would become very disorganized and hard for anyone to learn very much about any topic.

    At least, if you posted a link to the other relevant thread in your new thread on same topic, if would help others find the other thread easier.

    Maybe I am in the minority on this philosophy for board organization, though.
    '13 Everlast 255EXT
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by jakeru View Post
    Steve - I guess I would have assumed if someone found a thread on the very topic they were interested in discussing, they would have posted a reply to it, rather than made another, duplicate thread about it.

    Keeping the discussion in one spot makes it easier for others to learn from the topic who happen to search and/or stumble across the thread, no? If everyone made a new thread about every thought they had, the board would become very disorganized and hard for anyone to learn very much about any topic.

    At least, if you posted a link to the other relevant thread in your new thread on same topic, if would help others find the other thread easier.

    Maybe I am in the minority on this philosophy for board organization, though.
    Agreed that I should have posted the link. Some folks won't reply to older threads because they feel it is old....but they may have some very good information that was not given before.

    I hear folks say that the topic is old...and it is.
    I am a member of several groups that interest me. For the most part, there is nothing new under the sun anywhere on them. The same questions and comments are made. Sort of like watching a movie for the 10th time. You've seen it and know how it ends, but you still watch as you get a little more detail about the movie in your mind. Sometimes you may even say to yourself, gee, I never noticed that before!

    Usually the only time something really new is offered, it is because there is a new product.

    So there may very well be weldors out there with experience with the clear cups who just got onto this site and maybe they have some relevant information about them. But seeing how there hasn't been a reply....maybe not.

    Just my opinion!
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  9. #9


    I agree that this should have gone in the old thread and I think I even replied in it. Since that thread, I took the option of not trying these after reading that people had problems with them but since then I have found people on a different forum that seem to really like them and had no issues using them. Some of them are hobbiest welders and some do it for a living.
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  10. #10
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    Its all a matter of personal likes and opinions. If someone did not like them then they would have gone away by now.

    Miller Bobcat 3 Phase,
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    26 series gas cooled TIG torch, setup for quick connect to Bobcat.
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  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Tritium View Post
    Its all a matter of personal likes and opinions. If someone did not like them then they would have gone away by now.

    I wouldn't say that as it would take everyone not to like them and that is slim to none. As mentioned above, someone said they would rather have larger stick out than use one of these and thats not the first time I have heard that so its obvious some people do not like them. Does anyone have an opinion on how well they hold up? I have heard questionable remarks to that also.
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  12. #12
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    Are there any advantages to using the pyrex cups? Has anyone used these types of cups and found them better than standard cups? I would worry about the cup braking.
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  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by DVA View Post
    Are there any advantages to using the pyrex cups? Has anyone used these types of cups and found them better than standard cups? I would worry about the cup braking.
    well one CLEAR advantage (did ya get that pun there ) is that the lens is clean and you have better visability of your puddle. really it all comes down to, can you weld with it, and do you like it. alot of welding is just being comfortable, body position, and how you like your equiptment.
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  14. #14
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    I guess that at times when MIG welding a clear nozzle would be helpful like when welding in corners. I will half to pick a few up and try them out.
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  15. #15
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    Default Who offers the best deal on pyrex cups?

    I've seen them offered on the auction site for $49.00/set. I personally can't afford to pony up that much on an "experiment". But 10 bucks I'd do. Find me one for a wp 20 torch for 10 bucks (pref a #6), I'll visit my buddy, throw on on his torch, run a few beads, and give my feedback. It's that simple.
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

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  16. #16
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    I think it is like 49.99 for 10 that is not a bad price but it would be better if it came with a sorted size.
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  17. #17
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    My problem with them is twofold, they are VERY expensive compared to regular nozzles and they tend to cloud up with metal evaporated by the welding arc.

    Miller Bobcat 3 Phase,
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    26 series gas cooled TIG torch, setup for quick connect to Bobcat.
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  18. #18


    Straight and clear - I bought the CK kit, I used them, I broke them and I didn't replace them. I didn't find any advantage to them over the standard ceramic or lava cups. The shower head style gas lens works well without a cup and that's the way I use it for the most part.

    Miller 212
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  19. #19


    I did not know they made clear nozzles for mig torch. I thought they were for tig torch only.

  20. #20
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    One thing I'm curious about, part of which was asked earlier... other than dropping them, how do they hold up? Do they offer any different thermal properties or durability? In other-words, is there any reason other than being clear to use them?
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