Well I received my pt185 replacement a few weeks ago and have been getting better acquainted with the machine. It seems that I am only able to do a short bit of welding before the machine stops welding.
I had a few questions that if anyone could answer would be greatly appreciated.
1. How do I calculate a rough duty cycle at a given amp?
I did find the online owners manual and read that at max (185amp) its 35% duty cycle. The machine has a chart that says 100amps 100%? Lets say I'm welding at 75amps, what duty cycle should i follow?
2.Well i found my second answer regarding duty cycle in the online manual. "Should I leave the machine on to cool down?" According to the manual, I should leave it on to cool down then switch the machine off and on.
I have had the machine stop welding on me, producing arc but not actually welding but the overtemp/duty cycle light doesnt turn on.