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Thread: Question on the PA140ST

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  1. #1

    Default Question on the PA140ST

    Can these welders operate in DCEN & DCEP modes by swapping the ground & electrode cables ??
    One other question, since there is no user manual yet for these little unit, I noticed that Longevity as a manual posted for their 140 unit. Comparing the EverLast to the longevity units, the spec's look very much the same.
    Mark or Mike, would the Longevity manual work for the EverLast unit till your manual is posted??
    Maybe a sticky on what these units can and can't do till the manuals are ready?

  2. #2


    The units are different. I can't speak for longevity's unit or its capabilities or their claims. I do know theirs doesn't have the lift tig function.

    There isn't any thing to a stick welder manual or basic tig for that matter. When it is completed, nothing in a manual will teach you how to weld...only practice will.

    As you have done any specific questions can be addressed here.

    As for your question about polarity...Sure, its not problem... Its the same as any other welder with dinse connectors...just swap the cables...But the BIG question is why would you? Keep stick with the electrode holder in the positive, and TIG with the torch in the negative.
    Last edited by performance; 09-04-2011 at 06:23 PM.

  3. #3


    I went and looked at their manual. LOL>....Yeah, they copied a lot of it from sections of our other manuals that I wrote as they have done with others. And to be honest, a lot of other peoples as well.

    Any one following that manual deserves what they get. It appears Longevity doesn't know the difference between what Straight polarity and Reverse polarity is looking at their welder picture and port explanation diagram.
    Last edited by performance; 09-04-2011 at 07:02 PM.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    I went and looked at their manual. LOL>....Yeah, they copied a lot of it from sections of our other manuals that I wrote as they have done with others. And to be honest, a lot of other peoples as well.

    Any one following that manual deserves what they get. It appears Longevity doesn't know the difference between what Straight polarity and Reverse polarity is looking at their welder picture and port explanation diagram.
    Now that's why I asked the question.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    The units are different. I can't speak for longevity's unit or its capabilities or their claims. I do know theirs doesn't have the lift tig function.

    I don't care about the TIG function, stick is what I care about at this time.

    There isn't any thing to a stick welder manual or basic tig for that matter. When it is completed, nothing in a manual will teach you how to weld...only practice will.

    I have no plans on leaning how to weld from a manual or video, but from transitioning from a transformer AC/DC machine to the new DC invertor packed full of electronics could be a different story if the leads were swapped.

    As you have done any specific questions can be addressed here.

    As for your question about polarity...Sure, its not problem... Its the same as any other welder with dinse connectors...just swap the cables...But the BIG question is why would you? Keep stick with the electrode holder in the positive, and TIG with the torch in the negative.
    Why Swap the cables, we all know that electrons flow from negative to positive, which means the arc would start at the ground to the rod, swap the cables and the arc will start at the rod. Some rods run/weld better depending on which way the current is flowing through them.

    But us country hicks don't much care which way the current flows, as long as the welder will make lots of sparks, and the pieces stick together till Bubba gets the still going again.

  6. #6


    You'll almost never ever need straight polarity. All rods that you will use run better on reverse polarity. Can't think of maybe ONCE that I used straight polarity it in the past 10 years... Whether its a transformer or a inverter, the effects of swapping electrode polarity is the same.

  7. #7


    Overall it's a nice little welder to have. I do like the simplicity and portability of the machine. I've been using it as a tig welder here lately to improve my tig skills, and it does a good job. I have used it the most as a stick welder or the most part and have been happy as well. Last week ran the Power Arc 140st from my generator, and the engine barely changes tone (running 7018 1/8 @ 130 amps).

    I think it's a good machine to learn how to tig weld with. I had a hard time learning all the settings on my 200dx. I watch the inverter tig settings on welding tips and tricks about 5 times! I finally watched them again and took notes! I realized I had the one nob turned the wrong way, machine welded like a champ!
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
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    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
    Victor cutting torch
    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
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    Northern Tool Drill Press

  8. #8


    Sean, don't feel bad.

    Several times I have had customers call and tell me Jody said such-in-such on the video...I've watched them as well and know in many cases he didn't say it...Or he discussed it and they only heard the first part and tuned the rest out. Or they thought they listened to his and were watching someone else.

    Let me guess which setting...was it the AC balance? That's the one that they usually tune out the rest of what he says.

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