This is a grate that goes on top of a drop inlet. It is made out of 1/4 angle iron not positive on what the exact size is and 3/4 re rod. I had to make 2 of these for a job coming up for my dads concrete company. It was all arc welding because we got to get a new liner for our mig. On the first one I had to cut the angle iron with one of our quickie saws. It was impossible to get the cuts perfect just because you are holding the saw and its not true like a band saw would of been. The second one we went ahead and had a place cut them for us. The cuts were smooth but the one I cut ended up being much more true. But I had a couple hours of grind time total too. The second one took a total of about 6 hours to build. It has over 80 tack welds or small welds then about 36 bigger welds. Im not positive on the exact demintions but its like 5' 5"/ 3' or something around there. Used about 5lb of rods for the 2 grate. 7018ac with a old miller 225 ac thunderbolt. Got pretty good outcome. Few of the welds had some small holes throughout it. Not too sure what that was from. Might be the 7018 on ac cause thats the only time I have really seen that.