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Thread: This is project 1 from zoama585 - 8' x 12' Flatbed Trailer

  1. #1

    Default This is project 1 from zoama585 - 8' x 12' Flatbed Trailer

    This was my first welding project and my very first time welding... built about six years ago.
    Loading my ATV's on standard trailers was always a pain, so I decided to build my own trailer to better serve my needs.
    I wanted to haul two three or four ATV's with even weight distribution, easy tie down and the ability to drive on or off from any side and into the truck bed with an aluminum trifold ramp. I also wanted to was the ATV's on the trailer after a ride and leave them on there until next time.

    I purchased a Hobart Handler 135 mig welder 110v (always used .035 flux core)
    4"x6" horizontal band saw, 4 1/2" angle grinder and a HVLP paint gun.
    I used 2"x4" 11ga tube for the frame
    1 1/4" 11ga square tube for the deck supports between the frame rails
    9ga raised expanded steel for the deck
    3/4" round tube for the tie rail standoffs
    1" 10ga flat for the tie rail
    2" 11ga square tube for the spring mounts
    4500lb cambered axle and springs
    All LED lights with internal wiring (around the deck) and reflective tape on the sides and rear.
    1 gallon black epoxy primer
    1 gallon Hercules roll on bed liner

    It's a little dirty looking from sitting under an oak tree for the last year since I sold all but one ATV.
    I still use the trailer to haul things now and then and I'm about to do a couple of mods on it to make it even more useful.
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    I had the the steel delivered to my work so that I could start my layout on a flat slab. I cut the frame steel there, welded it up bolted the axle on and towed it to my house (3 miles away) in about 4 1/2 hours.
    The rest took much much longer. Cutting and welding all the 1 1/4" tube for deck support was kind of a pain, but nothing compared to the raised expanded steel deck.
    The 9ga RE (raised expanded) was called 4'x8' sheets but it was about 5" larger all the way round. So every side had to be cut with my 4 1/2" angle grinder using a cutoff wheel, to make all the pieces fit together and line up the way I wanted. Then I made about 900 welds securing it to the top of the frame so that it wouldn't sag and stretch under load.

    Once the welding was done i started cleaning it and prepping for paint. I shot the whole thing with epoxy primer and it looked so good I didn't put a top coat of paint on it. Next I taped off everything that I didn't want bed liner on and rolled the deck and tongue with Hercules roll on bed liner... turned out to be pretty tuff stuff.

    This trailer has performed perfectly and just as I wanted over the years. The only problem I've ever had was one flat tire while hauling two ATV's way too fast. It doesn't sway at all and tracks perfectly straight. The frame is extremely rigid and the tire have never contacted the frame. Four ATV's weigh around 2200lbs.
    Total cost on this trailer was around $1400 six years ago. Build time was around 28 fumbling hours, built entirely by myself.

    Two more of my projects will be on this trailer soon and it'll be getting a fresh coat of paint.
    Last edited by zoama; 09-11-2011 at 02:17 PM. Reason: tie rail is 10ga
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

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