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Thread: Power Plasma 50 help.

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  1. Default Power Plasma 50 help.

    I have contacted Duncan but wondering if anyone else has ideas?
    I bought a pp50 and it worked great the first 3 or 4 times. When I try to
    use it now, I can't get an arc or air when facing the cutting surface. If I
    hold the torch up it works the second you tilt it, nothing. Air is at 90psi
    out of the compressor and I have tried all pressures at the machine.
    Replaced all consumables and it still only works pointing straight ahead.

    Any ideas?


  2. #2


    Sounds like something is loose inside the gun. Can you shake it and here something rattle? Also sounds like the trigger switch may be not working or isn't getting a good connection...
    Last edited by I_Love_Plasma; 09-15-2011 at 04:07 PM.
    I Love Plasma and rolleye's at the costly addiction of MAPPgasoron's.

    Everlast Plasma cutter Power Plasma 50
    Everlast PowerArc 200 ~ Happily Married To That gutsy babe, git'er dun.

    Wishlist: Free consumables, Small TIG maybe Alex, when you have overstock give me ring!

  3. Default

    If I shake it I hear the piston open and the machine "Clicks".

  4. #4


    Okay. Some thing is loose in the switch or a connection to the switch isn't properly hooked up. It is probably the torch end that is causing the problem. check your front panel if you haven't already just to make sure. If it looks like you can open it yourself call Mike (may be busy though) Have him walk you though checking that.
    I Love Plasma and rolleye's at the costly addiction of MAPPgasoron's.

    Everlast Plasma cutter Power Plasma 50
    Everlast PowerArc 200 ~ Happily Married To That gutsy babe, git'er dun.

    Wishlist: Free consumables, Small TIG maybe Alex, when you have overstock give me ring!

  5. #5


    The torch is easy to open up. Take the screws out of the side of the torch. Lay it on its side with the screw head side up. Remove cap/nozzle and bottom cap (if any). Pull the torch apart. Check the switch wires and contact pins in the torch head for proper movement.

  6. Default

    Didn't find anything in the gun loose. I think it's where the wires enter the gun, the collar. If I tilt it in a cutting position and pull the trigger, nothing. If I hold the trigger and bend the hose, wires etc towards me, it works.

  7. Default

    Going outside now to check. I will open the torch and see if a wire or something is loose.
    Thanks for the help.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by dean_af View Post
    Going outside now to check. I will open the torch and see if a wire or something is loose.
    Thanks for the help.
    Yeah sure! Hope you get up and going quick.
    I Love Plasma and rolleye's at the costly addiction of MAPPgasoron's.

    Everlast Plasma cutter Power Plasma 50
    Everlast PowerArc 200 ~ Happily Married To That gutsy babe, git'er dun.

    Wishlist: Free consumables, Small TIG maybe Alex, when you have overstock give me ring!

  9. Default

    Hey guys, thanks for the help.
    I couldn't get the torch to work so, I returned it to Duncan. He sent me a replacement in less than a week!!!
    Can't complain about customer service. I'm up and running again.

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