Project #2 from Trip59, grip prototype
This is a prototype for a line of integrated tattoo tips and grips. Most are two piece, but I've had requests for integrated (less parts, less cleaning, less setup, etc.). This one was mild steel, as stainless can be a pain to work due to work hardening, and I had to run multiple passes and processes on it to set up and establish the jigs and process.
Basic profile cut out of some 15/16" cold rolled steel I had on hand

Parted off and ready for milling

Jigging is kind of proprietary, please excuse me for not including pics.
Milled final product.

The final product will have different groove pattern, reamed center hole instead of just drilled, and will be stainless, polished and passivated. This one was more process establishment than precision, it's roughly the size of a 25mag, but there will be 6-7 sizes.
And a special request from one of my artist friends, a specific sized pencil style grip, again, just a cold rolled prototype to establish size. They have this style commonly available, but not in certain front/back/length ratios. We're trying to establish a method for making custom fit accessories.
Trip Bauer
Former USN HT
Everlast 200DX New Model
Hobart Handler 125 MIG
Van Norman #12
Atlas 12" engine lathe
'98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead