I had a hernia operation last week so I'm not allowed to lift anything over 5 pounds so my life has become really boring so I decided to modify my homemade TIG torch.
If you haven't seen any pictures of my alternator welder and homemade torch then check out my introduction thread here.
When I first put this thing together I just bought 3 sticks of 1/8" 2% thoriated tungsten. Now I know this is WAY overkill considering my alternator has a max output of only 90A. My main reason for choosing 1/8" was that I figured it would hold a truncated tip better(my system is scratch start), and it is very stiff and my torch had little support for the arc end of the electrode. Overall it worked out great and I was able to learn to TIG weld with it and I even welded up a dashboard for my off-road go kart with it. The tungsten held up excellent as I expected given my low amperage. The biggest problem I have is getting an arc started at very low amperage. When welding thin stuff I'm finding myself having to stomp the pedal, strike an arc, then hurry up and leave off the pedal before I blow through the metal. I did some reading and found that smaller electrodes start easier(dunno if this is true of a scratch start or not, but I figured I'd try it), and 2% lanthanated electrodes offer an easier start as well. So here is what I did, I ordered up a 3/32" 2% Lanthanated sample from DiamondGround.com to give it a try. Upon receiving it I found that it had a lot more flex to it than the 1/8" Thoriated, which I kind of expected, so I decided to modify my torch to better support the arc end of the electrode.
Guide holder and 3/32" & 1/8" guides. Holder also screws into the torch and clamps the end on the welding lead into the brass internals:
Collets. These are actually from a broken Dremel tool and were originally used to clamp in the Dremel bits. They are also 3/32" & 1/8":
Collet and tungsten inserted into the top-side of the torch:
Inserted the whole way:
Cap that clamps it all in place:
I forgot to take a picture of the inside of the bottom of the torch with the guide in place and the cup removed. Overall though this has provided me with enough support that there is now no flex in my 3/32 2% Lanthanated electrode. Tomorrow I will try running a bead with it and report back with my results.