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Thread: Single phase MIG welders miss type

  1. #1

    Default Single phase MIG welders miss type

    On all of the Single phase MIG welders it says" .30-.045 for the wire size...

    I sent Oleg an email last week, but he didn't reply or change it (I figured he would be the best one to tell about it). Btw, it's right in the spec sheet...

    Owner of IMIG 200 and half owner of Power Plasma 50

  2. #2


    From what i was told, Only the MTS 160 -200 will run the .024 wire efficiently, the motor speed is not quite fast enough on the i-migs to run that .024 wire.
    But maybe I misunderstood the conversation, Hopefully Mark can explain this a little better.
    pro tools 105 bender and dies
    drill press
    20 ton press
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    miller 250 syncrowave
    soon(250ex,250p mig,pp60)

  3. #3


    Correct...for now.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Velocity View Post
    From what i was told, Only the MTS 160 -200 will run the .024 wire efficiently, the motor speed is not quite fast enough on the i-migs to run that .024 wire.
    But maybe I misunderstood the conversation, Hopefully Mark can explain this a little better.
    No it says .30 instead of .030...

    Owner of IMIG 200 and half owner of Power Plasma 50

  5. #5


    check again.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    check again.
    Ahha it's changed

    Owner of IMIG 200 and half owner of Power Plasma 50

  7. #7
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    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by Velocity View Post
    From what i was told, Only the MTS 160 -200 will run the .024 wire efficiently, the motor speed is not quite fast enough on the i-migs to run that .024 wire.
    But maybe I misunderstood the conversation, Hopefully Mark can explain this a little better.
    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Correct...for now.
    Can we expand on this a touch... does this suggest the IMIGs will accommodate .024 wire at a future date? If yes, any indication of when?
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  8. #8


    No, really I can't give much information at this point. We are aware of people's desire to weld with .023/4 but its an issue with wire feeding rate of the feeder as much as it is anything. Nothing wrong with the exisiting feeder, but we aren't selling a 140 unit yet, which .023 is appropriate and requires a much higher feed rate. The larger the wire, the less of a need for a fast feed...which is why our units come with .030 minimum. BUT I challenge you to find a .023 welder, name brand or otherwise, than can weld as fine or thin as our IMIGS with .030

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