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Thread: New Old Guy in Florida

  1. #41


    First, you keep giving all sorts of scattered information. Nothing is consistent and all we want is for you to call us so we can get a better idea of what is going on. You are unhappy, but don't want to give us a chance to resolve this further? That is not fair. You haven't tried to follow what we have asked for you to do. You do bear the responsibilty of following our guidelines for the warranty.
    You are saying there is no Frequency? or No High frequency? What doesn't sound right? You say this but give no descriptions, and no detail. You say all of this and expect us to understand something that we have no idea about your problem. These units don't use Hi Frequency except for briefly when starting. Inverters don't use Hi Freq for arc stabilization.

    What unit is this? The welder or the plasma cutter? A leak is simple to take care of...but we haven't heard anything directly from you. If you call you have to leave a message if you dont reach anyone. You say you don't have time to fix this, but the time you spent leaving negative posts could have been spent toward resolving the problem.
    Last edited by performance; 11-24-2010 at 05:53 AM.

  2. #42


    No one asked you to spend money, we need to talk to you on a phone and get details. We asked you to call us.

    This will be deleted as well as you are just leaving the same text, like a robot.

    Please call in so we can help you..

    If you called 2 times, you know your first post was a LONG time ago (months)? Maybe somehow we we missed the two calls. But we can only resolve this by phone.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. Default

    Mark and Mike,

    Are you sure that you are doing all you can to resolve some of the issues?

    Maybe you need to step up your game and become magicians :-)


  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rivets View Post
    Mark and Mike,

    Are you sure that you are doing all you can to resolve some of the issues?

    Maybe you need to step up your game and become magicians :-)

    I need to call again figure out what to do with these machines, maybe EBay. I already tried everything they said and more. I suspect the 2 different alloys are difficult to weld. 6061 and a very soft tubing, I’m going to try 6061 tubing. Working 20h days takes its toll. Just don’t have time to do anything. But the $ would sure help out

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by FabGTO View Post
    I need to call again figure out what to do with these machines, maybe EBay. I already tried everything they said and more. I suspect the 2 different alloys are difficult to weld. 6061 and a very soft tubing, I’m going to try 6061 tubing. Working 20h days takes its toll. Just don’t have time to do anything. But the $ would sure help out
    which welder did you get? the 200dx or the 225lx?? your first post says 200lx

    if it's the 225lx I'll pay shipping to get it out of your site. couldn't hurt to have a spare handy :wink:

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