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Thread: *NEW* Everlast Welding project contest 0908

  1. #1

    Default *NEW* Everlast Welding project contest 0908

    Welcome to the first Everlast Power Equipment welding project contest.

    *The contest:*

    We'd like for you to post up pictures of your latest fabrication, conversion or upgrade project that is welding related from the last year. Please provide at least 3 photos of your project with some details regarding the project. If you have a project you'll have done by September 15th, get it finished and post it.

    *The rules:*

    Whether or not you used an Everlast welder or plasma cutter for your project will *NOT* affect the judging, though full participation by our Everlast customers is strongly encouraged. Please do not post simple repair projects or quick-fix projects as these will not be judged. We're looking for a little blood, sweat and tears.

    *The criteria:*

    We are looking for creativeness, ingenuity and popular appeal. Welding skills will be critiqued, of course, but will not be the major determining factor. Positive comments by all are welcome regarding the projects of the participants and as said, popular appeal will be part of what we use to select the winning projects. Please, no flaming another person's hard work, whether you think you could have done better or not.

    *The prize:*

    The first place winner will receive a PowerI-MIG 200. Second prize will be a SuperCut50 plasma cutter and third place will win a pre-release version of a Digital Everlast PowerVision auto-darkening welding helmet. All prices can be checked out at .

    *The judging:*

    The Everlast competition will close on September 16, 2009 12:00 am. The 3 best projects will be selected by the Everlast judging panel shortly
    after the close of the competition. Results will be announced and the winners will be asked to P.M. their shipping information. We welcome the winners to comment on their prize as well.

    The competition will take place here on the Everlast forum however you are welcome to post your projects on,, anywhere you like and have an account. Just be sure to post a link to it here so we can judge your entry.

    Jump in for some fun. It's open to everyone.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  2. Default

    This is a cool offer.

    I don't have any Everlast equipment yet, am saving my pennies for a 250EX (hopefully will have enough piled up next month to buy it).

    I don't have any cool projects right now, though I did build this in April, so consider it as my "submission":

    Nothing real special about a big table, but hey, I built it, it's mine, and it's still holding together a few months later. lol. It beats the snot out of how I used to be set up - mill on a wobbly wooden desk, and the lathe on the toolboxes.

  3. #3


    Cable tech,

    Your entry is welcome, but it must be posted here so we can have others comment and view directly. Please move all submissions here.

  4. Default 1943 ww11 halftrack restoration

    this partial halftrack came from the desert east of el paso tx, was used in the film LONE WOLF MCQUADE,which starred chuck norris, then left to rot, it was a down to frame build, all armor had to be fabed. our thing is military vehicle restoration, they come in as rusted out hulks and leave like new. we also build full scale cannons, mortars etc.bill
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  5. #5




    I was wondering a couple of things about your project rebuilds.

    The half track was originally German?

    What would the thickness of the original armor be? Was it special material?
    How do you recondition the tracks? I have a heavy equipment background and was wondering if you had a "secret" stash of old track material or something. My father has an old Oliver Cletrac he is rebuilding and needs some tracks for it to make it nice. It could have been originally a military unit. I am not sure.

  6. Default another contest project,ww11 m29 weasel carrier

    this rotted out mess was a definite challenge, required new framework,floors,sides and skirts.a plasma cutter really saves the day on a project of this magnatude,if there is any steel left in the rust a plasma cutter blows it out!
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  7. Default halftrack rebuild

    these halftracks are 1943 us m-15s built by white, their weight is 18000 lbs, armor plate is 5/16 ths, armed with browning machine guns 1919 or 50 cal m-2 browning

  8. #8


    Its a shame to see such history rotting. But, then again, I've seen old American farm tractors and equipment doing the same thing. I still hate it when I see a piece of equipment rotting down that I know someone could fix up and use, but the person will let it keep rotting and say "someday I'm gonna fix it."

    I am glad people have the foresight to rescue these scrap iron candidates from the heap.

  9. #9

    Default My entry

    Here is my entry:
    It is a replica of a 65 AC Cobra. I have done all the custom machining, welding and fabricating to the kit including the frame, suspension, steering and aluminum panels. It has independent front and rear suspension, complete with aluminum SVO 8.8 center section and 13 inch power disk brakes with twin master cylinders. The brake bias is controlled from the dash. The steering shaft is polished 304 low carbon stainless steel. I also used an old set of MG seats but modified the frames by removing the reclining system, narrower and shortened the lower and upper sections and fitted them onto aftermarket slides to fit the cockpit. It will be powered by a 430 horsepower 5.0 small block ford with fuel injection. The transmission is a Tremac TKO
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  10. #10


    Those old cobras were nice. But there are more replicas now than the original.

    But its the appeal of the car that makes everyone a joy to look at.

    I was wondering if a supercharger might fit this car?

  11. #11


    Yes a supercharger will fit. I was running a Powerdyne on my motor when it was in another car and was making 502 hp 498 torque but I took it off. I could not get that much to really hook up in the Cobra any way. This car is really just a fun car. I don't plan on racing.

  12. #12


    When will the winners be anounced?

  13. Default

    I know the contest is over entry wise but I figured I would post my pictures here as well as on welding web.

    This summer I have been working on making a new gas tank for my motorcycle. Right now I have it all welded so it holds gas an the welds are relatively smooth. I still need to smooth and paint it. I am not sure how many feet of weld I had to do to make the tank but it was quite a bit.
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  14. #14


    Great looking tank, shame you missed the deadline. Please send in a picture when you get it painted.

  15. Default

    I should have made my self more clear. I entered before the deadline over at welding web. There it doesn't say any thing about having to post pictures here. However on this thread it says a few times to post pictures from other forums here also. My posting here wasn't my entry it was just showing what I had already entered over at

  16. #16


    We obviously want all the post here, but to same people time making accounts here, we let it slide.

    So I am glad you did post it here as well. It is a contest sponsored by Everlast, so of course we like to see the projects here. And the winner to use their prizes and post more project done with them.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  17. #17


    Not trying to stir the dust up but I also thought the entries were just what was listed on this site based on the rules “The competition will take place here on the Everlast forum however you are welcome to post your projects on,, anywhere you like and have an account. Just be sure to post a link to it here so we can judge your entry.” I was figuring the competition was low such as the welding technique contest that was hosted on I certainly would have added additional pictures of my project or even added another. My bad! I’ll be ready for the next one for sure. Congrats to the winners.

  18. #18


    This is the first we have done like this. To get out products in a new peoples hands. Welding talent or creative.

    I think we did state you need to put a link.

    We learned a little and the next contest will have a little more detail.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  19. Default

    On the everlast forum it does says to put a link to your projects here. On the welding web it mentions that the competition will take place here as well as on welding web. So there is slightly different info on each forum on how to enter. The rest of the description is the same. I don't really think it will effect any thing accept the people who only posted here might not realize they were competing against people on welding web as well.

  20. Default

    accepting any late entries? I sure could use that mig for a few upcoming projects! :wink:

    This project was why the TIG machine was picked up. The boat is meant for fishing in puget sound, WA picking up geoducks and sea cucmbers. picked up a PowerMaster 205 to do all the work.

    The boat was basically a bare hull when we got it. love a fresh start itams to be built were... tabletop for cleaning and sorting, able to drain to rails - bulkhead in front of motor with a door to access air compressor for diving - removable davit for bringing bag on board - removable ladder for climbing in and out of boat. I cant find any picture of the ladder completed for some reason, but it came out awesome, hinges in the middle for storage, and is attached to the mount with a piece of pipe with pins for easy removal.

    heres the table and bulkhead. the table is hinged for access to the engine and any other items that need to be serviced.

    These are some riser plates I made for the back. The surface at the back was radiused so I had to make them at some strange angles to keep everything level. I think they came out awesome. They are a few inches tall because the table needed to be working height.

    Heres the table hinged up. It hinges with zero bind and sets down perfectly level on the bulkhead surface.

    heres me standing on the table top. Im a big guy and there was absolutly no deflection.

    this is the davit mount. The load is spread between the two runners with plates on both sides. pretty self explanitory

    the is my buddy corey hanging off the davit. we needed to be able to clear up to a 5 and a half foot bad over the railing, and it drops right over the center of the table when you swing it in.

    this is the ladder mount. the two plates have 1.5" holes drilled for the pipe to go through to hold the ladder. Its gusseted on all three sides of the rail inside and out.

    just a picture laying some rod down on some notched pipe, this would be one of the supports for the davit.

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