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Thread: Available: 20% HF coupons

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia

    Default Available: 20% HF coupons

    I've got a couple Harbor Freight coupons for 20% off: they expire at the end of Feb 2012. I'm not planning any big purchases, so if anyone can use these, I'd be happy to drop them in the mail.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The Boonies of Texas


    Hey Dave, What does the fine print say on those? The usual ($100 of more spent, no welders, air compressors, generators, tool cabinets, floor jacks etc.)?

    Miller Bobcat 3 Phase,
    Miller Suitcase X-Treme 12VS wire feeder for the Bobcat with M-25 300A .045" gun / Bernard 400A 5/64" wire mig gun .
    26 series gas cooled TIG torch, setup for quick connect to Bobcat.
    17 series gas cooled Tig Torch for Low Amp Solar Tig (Direct Solar Panel Powered Tig welding)
    Hobart Handler 187 Mig / Fluxcore
    EVERLAST PowerUltra 205P
    EVERLAST PowerTig 250 EXT 2013 Model

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Man, the fine print is disappointing. Here goes: 20% off any single item purchased at a HF store. Cannot be used with other discount or coupon. Not valid on gift cards, Inside Track membership, enhanced service plans, compressors, generators, tool cabinets, welders, floor jacks, campbell hausfeld products, open box items, Parking Lot Sale items, Blowout Sale items, Day after Thanksgiving Sale items, Tent Sale items, 800 number orders or online orders.

    It also says the coupon cannot be bought, sold, or "transferred", whatever that means, but I won't tell if you won't.

    Does everybody on the surface of the planet have these coupons? I thought I might be doing somebody a favor.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveO View Post
    Does everybody on the surface of the planet have these coupons? I thought I might be doing somebody a favor.
    Thanks for thinking of us, but they do spread their coupons far and wide. Before our Readers Digest subscription expired they were always in there, our local electric company has a magazine that usually has them and once in a while the little magazinette thingy that comes in the newspaper has them too. I think they pretty well saturate all the traditional guy guy magazines as well.

    Feb 2012 is a pretty good date, you might need something before then. If you sign up to get their flyer, it has coupons for 10-20% off your entire order if you tend to go in and buy a cartful of smaller stuff, same small print exclusions though.
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

  5. #5


    I'm at an office everyday and they have a large/great selection of mags. Cars, trucks, motor trend, car drive, leatherneck, pop mech, pop science, tons of stuff for the lady's too.

    I know all the ones "I pick up" have ads for HF and a 20% off coupon. Even the ones I get at home have them too. I spend $12 a year for a magazine and save more than that in a month at HF. In fact I sent the same magazine to a friend for a gift since he is always running there. Some of their consumables are not bad for the price, add 20% off. So they are worth cutting out if you can remember where you put them. They have Trafimet S45 consumables and are open weekends. Hard to beat.

    I have a couple coupons in my truck and a rain check for a 8 position drop hitch for $19.95. Not too proud to say If in the truck and I find a large items, I run out and get one (check the dates, I throw a few out each time).

    The HF here, if it's "on sale" "on the shelf" it will apply to the item on sale, if it's a big sale (Black Friday, parking lot sale, etc) you can not use them on "the sale items". Also, you can not use them with another coupon. But my two stores are very lenient on them, though I think that's at the store manager level. The cash register here lets them go through.

    Dave, I would give just them to a local friend. I left a $149.95 coupon for a $249.95 solar panel and controller on the display model, when I decided it was something I had no time to play with and would probably just get broken. So someone saved $100 if no one removed it.

    All about saving money.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Geez, I had no idea. Sounds like they're trying to bury the country in coupons- given all the restrictions it's probably a tease to get you in the store, on the "they'll always buy more than they intended" strategy. That seems to be the case for me.

    That's funny, I leave coupons behind for others too. My problem now is getting to the stores. There's two HFs "near" me, but distance and traffic makes it tough to justify a trip out in the wrong direction when I don't really need stuff.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  7. #7


    our local paper has the best HF coupons, the last one I got expires in march. the ones you get from the inside track club or the HF circular only last a month!
    McGuire Irvine
    Crow Motor Co.

    Lincoln powermig 225 (work)

  8. #8


    sign up for their email list, they send out coupons all the time. Between their inside track coupons and the ones emailed to me you can find some good deals. The 20% coupons I have received all have a 30 day expiration date.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
    HTP Mig 2400
    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
    Victor cutting torch
    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
    HF 4x6 Band Saw
    HF Air Compressor
    Northern Tool Drill Press

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