I'm not too good on computers and new to this forum. I notice that to regester to inter your contests you have to have a signeture and an Avetar. How do I produce these. Thanks for your help. Sighned, Confuese easy!
I'm not too good on computers and new to this forum. I notice that to regester to inter your contests you have to have a signeture and an Avetar. How do I produce these. Thanks for your help. Sighned, Confuese easy!
First thing to do is log into the forum with your username and password. In the upper right corner of the screen you'll see a link for Settings. Click that link, and then you'll see links along the left margin for "Edit your signature" and "Edit your avatar". That's pretty much it.
Oxweld oxy acet gear
IMIG 200
PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!
I went to Settings, and added a signature and avatar. I checked the box to show avatars and signature. My profile shows I have the signature. My avatar now shows on old posts, but the signature does not. Have I missed a step? Well,,,,,maybe my signature will show after this new post. If so....."never mind".
edit: yep, it is working now. Solved.
UNT 520D plasma/stick/tig; Hobart Handler 140 Mig; HF 80amp stick welder; Victor O/A; 4x6 Horizontal bandsaw; Planishing hammer; & Stuff