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Thread: mfggunner

  1. Default mfggunner

    hello from north idaho, just got a cut 50, sure hope it lasts longer than its predeseeor
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	hts 003.jpg 
Views:	262 
Size:	100.5 KB 
ID:	43  

  2. #2


    From the looks of your site, you'd be a good candidate for our competition. Feel free to post some of your work under the Everlast competition thread. First prize is a mig welder. Welcome aboard...I would really like to see more of those tracked Weasels.

    Our new Super cut 50's have a suprisingly low mortality rate. I am not sure what problem you had, but our new production facility has much higher manufacturing standards. Our Power Plasma units are IGBT based and have met the cutting capacities that we publish. We are constantly seeking improvement in design and in quality. Occasionally we will have a unit that doesn't do what it supposed to. But from the experiences I have had with name brand equipment, we are right on the mark as far as failures are concerned.

  3. #3


    Welcome from upstate New York mfggunner.
    Great restorations, great website.


  4. #4



    Welcome aboard and nice talking with you. You have some neat projects for sure.

    Did you get the link I emailed for product registration? The button blends on the web page, but it was there. I just sent the link to it.

    Your website is great. It makes me feel like I need another toy (ok my son and I). The track vehicles are awesome.

    Just post or call if you need us. And you have my direct line.

    Like Mark said, you really should post you want to enter our "welding project contest" and put a couple links to your favorites. It can not hurt for sure.

    As far as your new Everlast unit versus your dead Dayton (I think you said that was the brand). You will enjoy our cutter, and our warranty and support is the best around. IMHO.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  5. #5


    Great stuff on your site. I always wanted a tracked vehicle. I work for a defense company and we make the Abrams and Stykers. I do get to check them out but it's not like having your own.

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