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Thread: Hobart Handler 180 Mig Poping Trickbiker

  1. #1

    Default Hobart Handler 180 Mig Poping Trickbiker

    I have my gas flow on 17 , power setting on 2 and wire speed on about 30. When I get in some tight places or other places not convient the puddle hisses and creats little blow holes in the puddle when it cools but can't figure out what is causing it. I have tryed several different settings to no avail. Can someone give me some input on what I'm doing wrong. I feel it's operators error and with the setting but don't know how to adjust eigher. Help.Thanks Mickey

  2. #2


    Your shielding gas isn't covering well and your stickout is too long. Both are probably from having the torch leaning over too much in relation to vertical position over the weld. When wrong torch angles are used, it creates a vacuum behind the argon flowing out and it sucks air in behind the torch as the vacuum is created. Too much wire stick out while welding will also allow air to seep in around the weld prematurely.

  3. #3


    I have ordered a new tip shield because is looks burnt and may be burnt back too far and alow the air in like you said. Thanks and will put in a post when I get the the new cover put on. Mickey
    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Your shielding gas isn't covering well and your stickout is too long. Both are probably from having the torch leaning over too much in relation to vertical position over the weld. When wrong torch angles are used, it creates a vacuum behind the argon flowing out and it sucks air in behind the torch as the vacuum is created. Too much wire stick out while welding will also allow air to seep in around the weld prematurely.
    Last edited by trickbiker; 10-11-2011 at 06:57 PM.

  4. #4


    Got my new cover and it lays out a lot better thanks. Mickey

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