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Thread: 225lx torch

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Spokane Washington

    Default 225lx torch

    There are already a lot of threads on torches, but I don't have the 225lx yet and am looking to go to an air cooled wp9v type torch. I'll be doing small stuff and like the idea of a flexible hose, and small torch.
    My questions are,
    1. What torch comes with the 225lx?
    2. Can the factory torch run without water?
    3 What do I need to look for in a WP9FV-25R type torch for connectors (are they all plug and play or are a bunch of special adapters needed)?
    4. Does Everlast have a small air cooled torch that is small with flexible hoses for doing small firearms related welding?
    5. Where is the best place to get a torch?

    Everlast 250ex
    Lincoln Mig
    Hyperthem plasma cutter
    Enco Lathe & Mill
    There is always hope but don't rely on it alone.

  2. #2



    I'm pretty sure that the OEM torch that comes with your unit is a WP18 water cooled torch. My 250ex came with the WP18 and I found it to be difficult to handle.

    Many of us have gone to the WP20 water cooled torch or the WP20F (flexhead).

    I find this torch much easier to handle.

    The main part you will need to hook up a new torch to the machine is a Dinse 50 connector with water outlet.

    You can run the OEM torch without water but your amperage is limited. I'm sure that one of the Everlast guys will chime in shortly with a more definitive answer.

    Just about all this stuff can be purchased at Everlast and is also available at several outlets such as a good local welding store.

    I originally bought my 250EX for the purpose of doing work on firearms, I find the WP20F torch works well for just about everything. It all depends on what you are up to. I sporterize Mausers and welding on bolt handles is just part of it.

    I'm sure that you will enjoy the 225LX.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Spokane Washington


    Are you running a water cooler? I'm mainly doings sights, and some stamped receiver modifications, so I imagine my needs will be similar to yours. I was hoping to avoid a water cooler as I have a mig welder for anything that takes a lot of welding.
    Everlast 250ex
    Lincoln Mig
    Hyperthem plasma cutter
    Enco Lathe & Mill
    There is always hope but don't rely on it alone.

  4. Default

    There was a thread recently where people were talking about running without water in a water-cooled torch. Mark gave some numbers that were smaller than what is in the manual for the powertig series of welders. I quoted the manual below. The manual and the site seem to indicate that the 225LX and the 250EX are provided with a WP-18 water-cooled torch, and the 200DX gets a WP-26. My 250EX came with a WP-18. I can vouch for the fact that I could weld 14ga steel at something well over 100 amps with no water cooling and no apparent problems. The dutycycle is stated as being 60%, with presumed losses from lack of watercooling, but I never welded 6 minutes straight. I think Mark will be along shortly to say that the manual is optimistic about the numbers. My guess is that if you keep it under 150 or so, you will be OK.

    Here is an excerpt from the manual powertiggen2.pdf on page 25 about water-cooler use.
    A.2 Water Cooler Use. Any PowerTig unit
    when used over 160 amps may require the ad-
    dition of a water cooler and the use of a water
    cooled torch. The LX and EX units both come
    with a standard water cooled torch, which will
    operate up to 160 amps as an air-cooled torch.
    However, considerable duty cycle will be lost
    when operated with air cooling only with the
    water cooled torch. Operation of the torch
    over 200 amps is forbidden without the use of
    a water cooler. Melting and destruction of the
    torch will result.

  5. #5



    I'm running a water cooler that I made myself from a heater core from a Crown Vic. I weld up all kinds of stuff besides firearms. For the most part on firearms, you wouldn't be needing more than 100 amps anyways.

    In determining how much amperage you need for a weld, the old 1 amp per thousanth of thickness is a good rule of thumb. These inverter welders are hotter than the transformer welders. Myself and some others on this forum find that 80% of the above rule of thumb works great on carbon steel. With stainless, 66% of the rule works very well.

    You will find that many folks on this forum are very helpful and respectful. In addition there is a wealth of information. Of course Jody's welding tips and tricks site is very helpful.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Spokane Washington


    I've printed the manual and thought I had read most of it but didn't recall that section. Do the wp9 series of torches from everlasting have flexible tubing or are they more of the hard vinyl type? I have some vinyl air compressor hose that is almost rock hard during the winter up here. Looks like they do have the finger switch for 2t/4t starting. Is it important to have the gas control valve on the torch?
    I've sporterized a few Mausers in my day (when they were 90 bucks at big 5) and I don't imagine my welding will be much different.
    A water cooler is cool, but I'm not sure I can justify the expense. Maybe someone at everlasting can let me know what they would take as an offer and I could get it shipped with the rest of my order if it was feasible. Thanks for all the helpful info .
    Everlast 250ex
    Lincoln Mig
    Hyperthem plasma cutter
    Enco Lathe & Mill
    There is always hope but don't rely on it alone.

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