Project #3 from Trip - Mission style decorative accents
Spent the day getting geared up for the frame project, about 5 hours of cutting and grinding. Not much to show yet, but wanted to get my thread started so I didn't miss anything as I progressed
Outside frame pieces, 62" long and 13" long, mitered and cleaned up.
Rest of the pieces, the outside is 3/4" square, the inside is 1/2" square.
The small pieces are 2" long 1/2" tube, there will be 4 down each side between the outer and inner rails.
I was able to clamp some pieces to the saw base to make the repetitive cutting easier, but I'm considering something I can bolt on to act as a stop for the long pieces if I do another project like this. Measuring the 8 long mitered pieces and 8 long squared pieces took more time than cutting all the miters (and I goofed and cut twice as many as I needed... oops) The 2" ones were a PITA, all 32 of them. I had to stop after each 1/4 of them to clean up the ends, since the offcuts had a piece that wasn't cut through, I placed the 2"on the inboard side so the ends would be clean. every 8 of them I had to stop and trim the ends off the long stock.
Sunday starts with sanding the ends to clean up the mill scale and then welding begins. I did a test piece to try out the new clamps, the weld was nice, though it stood quite proud considering I need to grind flush. I'm going to switch from 2 to 3 on the Hobart (power adjustment is 1-4) and see if that flattens it out a bit. Excellent penetration on the test, just too tall a bead.
Trip Bauer
Former USN HT
Everlast 200DX New Model
Hobart Handler 125 MIG
Van Norman #12
Atlas 12" engine lathe
'98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead