Your order may not actually be 'on the way'.
As explained to me by a nice lady at Everlast, UPS shipping labels are created in anticipation of Everlast's receipt of their shipment so they can ship your stuff as quickly as possible. That's a good thing, BUT...
... when Everlast creates that label with their UPS software, a 'Quantum View' notice is automatically generated and sent to you with an estimate of the delivery date based on destination. Your order hasn't actually been picked up by UPS and isn't actually on it's way to you. If you track your package at UPS, you'll see:
A UPS shipping label has been created. Once the shipment arrives at our facility, the tracking status--including the scheduled delivery date--will be updated.

As soon as there is some activity, like UPS picking up your package, the tracking info will update and show that. Click on "REQUEST STATUS UPDATES" to get an e-mail or text as the status changes.

Hope this helps.