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Thread: Powertig 250 EX on it's way.... Electrical question?

  1. #1

    Default Powertig 250 EX on it's way.... Electrical question?

    Doe's the PT 250EX come with a plug attached or just a length of wire?
    If just wire how long is the lead?
    Also, Can I take the welder apart to remove the cord that is on it and ad a longer length of wire without voiding my warranty?

    My plug is in the corner of my shop and I need the welder to be able to cart out about 12'-15'. And after typing all this, I'm thinking it might be just as easy to make/buy an extension cord! Duhhh....

  2. #2


    I don't remember the length of the cord but I think it's about 12'. It comes with a little chincy 110V plug but it's not connected (toss it). Get yourself a NEMA 6-50 Plug and do it right. Of course a NEMA 6-50 outlet would be ideal.

    There are four wires coming out of the cord. If you are using 240V single phase tape back the red wire. Green is the ground and the others are for the other prongs.

    If you are using three phase power then you use the red wire.

    I made up a 25' extension cord using heavy gauge wires. It's costs about the same as the others that you see advertised on the internet.

    All this stuff is available from Home Depot of any other quality hardware store.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  3. #3


    I can tell you my PM256 came with a cord attached and a separate plug. The plug I did not use as it was not a standard welder plug. I bought a welder plug and receptacle from Home Depot. As far as making your own extension cord here is what I did. When I built my cart I attached the extension cord to it with two receptacles there. This allows me to have my tig and mig welder on the cart plugged to the cart. I can now wheel the cart around my shop or outside and use either welder for a project. You will also need to attach your gas bottles on the cart too. Use big back wheel where the bottles are attached. Put a draw on it for you consumables, collets and cups ect. Look around there are many different carts that have been made pick one that fits your needs. Some have a water cooler attached too.

    Have fun
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by acourtjester; 10-22-2011 at 02:56 PM. Reason: spelling

    Everlast PM256
    Millermatic 180
    Hypertherm PowerMax 65 with machine torch
    Longevity Force Cut 80I
    DIY CNC table for plasma/routing
    13" metal lathe
    Small Mill
    ect, ect.

  4. #4


    There is alot of extension cords on ebay you might want to checkout cost might be the same as building one from home depot copper pretty pricey right now food for thought

  5. #5


    Ok, Thanks for the help.
    If it's 12' then that should work fine. I have a 6-50 plug to attach to it, just wasn't sure if it already came with the welder.
    I ordered the 250EX, W300 cooler and the powercart for it all so for now I will be using that cart. I do plan on making a bigger cart next spring when I order my Plasma cutter.
    My stuff should be here Thursday and I am so fired up to get it!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

    I've got a friend that works at a local electric supply company so I get most of my electrical at a pretty good discount!

  6. #6


    a bigger electrical supply house will have much better prices on cable. I paid $115 for 50' of 8-3 SEOOW (600v, neoprene jacket). lowes and HD don't carry service cable that heavy around here, and I'd wager it'd be over $200 for the same cable if they did.

    The two supply houses around here are summit and dealers. Summit is national, i think, but I don't know about dealers.
    McGuire Irvine
    Crow Motor Co.

    Lincoln powermig 225 (work)

  7. #7


    I'm sure you came across this all ready. Download the manual from this website. The one that's in the box is worthless unless you wan't to learn Chinglish.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly1944 View Post
    unless you wan't to learn Chinglish.
    lol... First I need to learn Spanglish!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by CGCINC View Post
    lol... First I need to learn Spanglish!

    you already know Russglish
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  10. #10


    I managed to go the easy route. When my welder came in I was in the middle of having the garage wired. I told him what plugs I wanted where and had him add the matching plugs to my welder and my compressor.
    Everlast Powertig 225LX
    Harbor Freight O/A rig
    60 gal air compressor

  11. #11


    Everything you need to know is in the manual.

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