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Thread: Welding Classes

  1. #1

    Default Welding Classes

    I just started looking around at what is offered for welding classes in my area. It looks like I might have gotten lucky! there is only one place in my general area that offers welding classes. it is a technical high school a couple towns over from me. I think the teacher of the class is a guy I used to work with.

    I'm wondering what you guys have found for local classes and what they cost??
    this school offers two courses that are $180 each. they do 2.5hrs a class for a total of 20 hours. the course covers mig tig and arc (I'm guessing they mean stick?)

    I think that this course would be very helpful to me as a hobbyist. If I am correct and the teacher is the the guy I worked with (who still does some welding for us occasionally) then I'm pretty sure I can get him to come over to my house for a little hands on practice with my welder.
    Everlast Powertig 225LX
    Harbor Freight O/A rig
    60 gal air compressor

  2. #2


    Its an excellent start, and a cheap way to learn. Though you could spend 20 hrs on each process. You get to burn unimaginable amounts of electrodes, have GOOD metal stock to practice on and get a friendly eye looking over your shoulder. Sounds cheap to me.

  3. #3


    Thats what I thought mark. I would spend almost that much in consumables with 20 hours of practice alone with no direction.

    edit: I just talked to the guy I know and he works at a different school.... still worth it though.
    Everlast Powertig 225LX
    Harbor Freight O/A rig
    60 gal air compressor

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    The $180 is less than the local community college here: I've been looking for evening classes (still can't quit my day job yet). I've been looking for classes to learn all the stuff I missed by self teaching and UN learn all the bad habits I'm sure I've picked up.

    I was hoping for an oxy-acet course this coming semester but it's not offered, and the evening classes they do offer are the advanced courses that require the earlier courses that aren't offered at night. So it looks like I'll have to wait ANOTHER semester and hope for the best.

    I'd jump on it!
    Last edited by DaveO; 10-23-2011 at 05:22 PM.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
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  5. #5
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    Middleburg Florida


    I couldn't find any way back when, so I joined the Navy! Turns out, back in the 90's, the cost to educate a Hull Maintenance Technician ran about $150k per school (at the time there was A school and 3 C schools) The real key is not to take a few years off and have to re-learn half of it.
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
    Everlast 200DX New Model
    Hobart Handler 125 MIG
    Van Norman #12
    Atlas 12" engine lathe
    '98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead

  6. #6


    Many community colleges offer a night time basic welding class. It's more of an intro type course for people wanting to learn, or thinking about taking the year long course. CC's are good because they often get real projects from people in the community, and some of them will let you bring or build things to weld on. Considering you will not have to pay for gas, electrodes, wire, consumables, electricity it's a good deal!
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
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  7. #7


    If you join the Young Farmer's Association, they can teach you to weld through some of their classes that they offer in continuing education. Also a lot of High Schools offer continuing ed classes that teach welding through their VoEd departments.

  8. #8


    I have been searching on line for classes in north florida and the few I have found are to become a certified welder and they want a 3 to 4 grand I can't find anything to teach an old dog to tig weld. High schools don't offer adult classes here so that won't work but my search goes on any ideas are welcome

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Middleburg Florida


    Where in N FL are you?
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
    Everlast 200DX New Model
    Hobart Handler 125 MIG
    Van Norman #12
    Atlas 12" engine lathe
    '98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead

  10. #10


    I am in Keystone heights about 30 miles south of orange park

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