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Thread: Plasma cutting 'table' on the cheap- way cheap.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Lake Stevens, WA

    Default Plasma cutting 'table' on the cheap- way cheap.

    I'd love to have a big plasma cutting table, but no room. Still, I needed something for small brackets and such.

    I ordered this little (12") BBQ from Ace Hardware-$4.79, shipped FREE to my closest Ace- $5.20 w/tax. There's also an 18-incher for those big jobs.

    I cut out the center 2 rings of the grill so there would a big enough hole to avoid cutting the other rings, then put 'bout an inch of water in the bowl. Any more and it leaks out the leg holes...

    When I'm done cutting, I dump the water, give it a quick dry and hang it on the wall with all of the pieces inside. Like cash-flow in a business, floorspace is 'King' in a small garage.

    Silly? Probably. Dumb? Maybe. But, "It Worked For Me".

    Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2


    HI qubit
    The main thing is (It works for me) Your the not the first guy that works on a shoestring.
    Posts like this makes others think and maybe they can come up with a simple solution that will work for them.
    Keep the gray matter working we all benefit from it.

    have fun

    Everlast PM256
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  3. #3


    do you have any issues with the hot metal dross spitting water or shrapnel everywhere? cutting with a torch next to a puddle is a no-no, it throws hot little BBs around.
    McGuire Irvine
    Crow Motor Co.

    Lincoln powermig 225 (work)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Lake Stevens, WA


    Hi, ogorir
    I hear ya.
    So far it's been OK. I've been testing outside and only with 1/16" sheet. Not wanting to get BB'd, I kind of work from the side until I see what the limit is.

    Good to bring that up so somebody doesn't try a something any heavier.

  5. #5


    Great idea for those small projects. I have also seen some place that mentioned using an old discarded gas BBQ for the same purpose. Bigger and bulkier but can be kept outside the shop with no ill effects . I love the threads where things are re-purposed by hobbyists to fit their needs, budget and space constraints. It helps everyone to as courtjester said use that gray matter
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    It took 62 years But I finally have my dream Garage

  6. #6


    We have a sand bed in a burn table at work. I believe we also had a water bed on at least part of one at one time. Might be able to jsut used sand in the grill, no worries about leaking.

    Cool idea.
    Everlast 200DX
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